Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Seizure Of Trumps Jet Essays - Libertarian Theory,
The Seizure Of Trump's Jet The Seizure of Trump's Jet The question has been presented: Would it be right for a government to impound and sell one of Donald Trump's many Learjets in order to pay for a life saving cancer treatment? A restatement of this question may be : Would it be right for the government to seize the property of any man in order to benefit the society at large? The answer to this question is not a simple one. The inquiry immediately brings to light several layered questions concerning the matter. One might look first into the natural rights of man. What rights does man have according to nature? Secondly, one must consider the rights of a man as part of a society or one who has entered into a social contract. The third aspect up for observation is the code of the particular society of which that man is a part, in this case the United States of America. Each of these views compounded might yield an accurate picture on whether or not an action of the sort, seizure of private property for the public good, would be right, m orals not taken into account. However, with morals taken into consideration, the complexity of attaining an answer may compound with every moral theory. Several people have attempted to answer the above questions among them Rousseau, the writers of French Revolutionary documents, the authors of the United States Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and Hume in the context of morality. All persons seem to agree that man is born with some semblance of natural rights though they disagree on exactly what these rights are and their relevance. They also see the need for society and social contracts, yet they argue the point on exactly what should be included in such contracts and their conditions. Hume writes as to whether such things are moral. The United States Declaration of Independence, The Social Contract and Discourse on the origin of Inequality of Rousseau, and the Rousseau influenced French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen all seem to agree that man is born with certain faculties. However, the agreement stops with that assertion. The Declaration of Independence states, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights... The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen similarly states, Men are born, and always continue, free and equal in respect of their right. The two documents assert that man is not born only as a free being, but as equal to all other men. In respect of this freedom and equality, there are rights that must naturally be given to man. Rousseau denies such claims. He agrees that man is born free, but he is not necessarily born equal to all others. Rousseau writes in the beginning o f his Discourse, I conceive of two kinds of inequality in the human species: one which I call natural or physical, because it is established by nature and consists in the difference of age, health, bodily strength, and qualities of mind or soul(Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, p37-38). The statement implies that men are in fact not created equally, so should they be allowed the same natural rights? According to Rousseauean thought, this question is almost negligent. Man in the state of nature operates on the sole purpose of trying to survive. He is unconcerned with others, not in the sense that he is cruel, but in that he has limited contact as he in not a member of a society. The concept of rights as man knows them now is not natural, but a convention of society. Rousseau's exploration of property rights further establishes such rights as products of society. Man began possessing only his labor , according to Rousseau. Through this he came to claim land as his own, It is labor alone that, in giving the cultivator a right to the product of the soil he has tilled, consequently gives him this right, at least until the harvest, and thus from year to year. With this continuing possession uninterrupted, it is easily transferred
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Musics effects on kids essays
Musics effects on kids essays Music artists can influence people in both good and bad ways through their music and videos but it is up to us to be influenced by it or not. They influence us by the clothes and jewelry they wear and how they carry themselves. Although what they do should not influence some people more than others I do not think they should be held responsible. They influence us by the clothes they wear because of what they have on when they are at award shows, in music videos, and other television programs. Some people are influenced by them because, like rappers, they have been through a lot of the same things you are going through and people appeal to that so when they are wearing certain clothes on television that they like they are more likely to go out and buy it because they think it is cool because someone rich and famous wore it. It is the same way with jewelry. Rappers used to wear a lot of gold, but now they wear platinum diamonds so now people are wearing more platinum and silver so that they can be like them. It goes on further than just clothes and jewelry though it goes to the cars they drive, the shoes they wear, and the houses they live in. They also influence our society by how they carry themselves. Part of how they carry themselves has a lot to do with how they dress and they possessions and things, but it also has to do with how they act and the places they go and what they do there. How they act influences society because if they act like a thug and someone who looks up to them sees that they might want to go out and be a thug and do some of the things that they did before they got famous. They see them on television throwing up gang signs and crip walking and doing things like that and they want to be apart of that because they think thats cool. They also influence society by where they go because if they go to certain clubs or shop certain places people start doing it to because they want to ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Ashton DeShazier Essay Example for Free
Ashton DeShazier Essay My name is Ashton DeShazier. I was born in Selmer, Tennessee. I am now from the small town of Lexington, Tennessee, but my dreams have never been small. I cannot remember ever wanting any other career than that of a doctor. Soon after my birth, Mother became a single mom. She had to work full-time to support us. I learned early the value of hard work, but this is just a small part of what she has given me. Throughout my life, my mother has been there for me at all times, through all circumstances, and especially when no one else was. She is my Rock of Gibraltar whenever a problem occurs. She has taught me the importance of motherhood, dedication to work, and loyalty to those you love. I learn quickly, and academics come easily to me. I also began setting other goals for myself in elementary school. In the sixth grade at Caywood Elementary, my goal was to be a cheerleader. I not only met, but also exceeded my goal by becoming the Junior Varsity Cheerleading squad captain. I continued in the sport of cheer leading, once again becoming captain in the eighth grade. I was chosen for the Junior Beta Club in seventh and eighth grade as well. During this same time period, I became a member of â€Å"Show Choir,†a musical group at Caywood that performed Christmas and spring shows for the community-at- large, and the elderly in nursing homes in particular. My junior high years ended with me joining Drama, receiving one of the leading parts in an important play, and receiving the honor of Homecoming Princess. I began my high school career at Lexington High School. I continued to set goals for myself, but now with college in my sites. I reaffirmed my dedication to becoming a doctor, knowing I would never let this dream slip away. Vanderbilt is looking for prospective students who are leaders. I demonstrated throughout high school that leadership is one of my greatest assets. I attended Lexington High School the entire four years. From my freshman through my senior years, I was on the Competition Dance Team and an active member in D. A. R. E. For three years I was in both Drama and Beta, an organization requiring a cumulative GPA of at least 95. My ability to accept more responsibility resulted in me committing to additional groups and committees throughout the four years. These groups included World Travelers, Spanish Club(as President), Beta Upsilon Mu Sorority, Senior Committee, and Annual Staff. Additionally, I joined Renaissance. Admittance is based on academic excellence, superior behavior, and attendance records. I am a member of both the Honor Society and the Future Community and Career Leaders of America(FCCLA). At the end of my junior year, it was time to choose my classes for the next year. While many of my friends chose to end their high school years with easy classes, I chose many of the hardest classes offered. I knew that to achieve my goals of attending Vanderbilt and medical school, I could not take the easy road. I know the work will be hard and the challenges great, and I am anxious to prove myself worth. Acceptance at Vanderbilt is very important to me, and I will not accept anything less. I have considered many different schools, but I always return to Vanderbilt University as my only choice. What attracts me most is Vanderbilt’s high standards and reputation for excellence, traits I have honed and maintained throughout my schooling. Preparing to become a doctor means many more years of education, and I must learn from the best. My name is Ashton DeShazier. I was born in Selmer, Tennessee. I am now from the small town of Lexington, Tennessee, but my dreams have never been small. I cannot remember ever wanting any other career than that of a doctor. Soon after my birth, Mother became a single mom. She had to work full-time to support us. I learned early the value of hard work, but this is just a small part of what she has given me. Throughout my life, my mother has been there for me at all times, through all circumstances, and especially when no one else was. She is my Rock of Gibraltar whenever a problem occurs. She has taught me the importance of motherhood, dedication to work, and loyalty to those you love. I learn quickly, and academics come easily to me. I also began setting other goals for myself in elementary school. In the sixth grade at Caywood Elementary, my goal was to be a cheerleader. I not only met, but also exceeded my goal by becoming the Junior Varsity Cheerleading squad captain. I continued in the sport of cheer leading, once again becoming captain in the eighth grade. I was chosen for the Junior Beta Club in seventh and eighth grade as well. During this same time period, I became a member of â€Å"Show Choir,†a musical group at Caywood that performed Christmas and spring shows for the community-at- large, and the elderly in nursing homes in particular. My junior high years ended with me joining Drama, receiving one of the leading parts in an important play, and receiving the honor of Homecoming Princess. I began my high school career at Lexington High School. I continued to set goals for myself, but now with college in my sites. I reaffirmed my dedication to becoming a doctor, knowing I would never let this dream slip away. Vanderbilt is looking for prospective students who are leaders. I demonstrated throughout high school that leadership is one of my greatest assets. I attended Lexington High School the entire four years. From my freshman through my senior years, I was on the Competition Dance Team and an active member in D. A. R. E. For three years I was in both Drama and Beta, an organization requiring a cumulative GPA of at least 95. My ability to accept more responsibility resulted in me committing to additional groups and committees throughout the four years. These groups included World Travelers, Spanish Club(as President), Beta Upsilon Mu Sorority, Senior Committee, and Annual Staff. Additionally, I joined Renaissance. Admittance is based on academic excellence, superior behavior, and attendance records. I am a member of both the Honor Society and the Future Community and Career Leaders of America(FCCLA). At the end of my junior year, it was time to choose my classes for the next year. While many of my friends chose to end their high school years with easy classes, I chose many of the hardest classes offered. I knew that to achieve my goals of attending Vanderbilt and medical school, I could not take the easy road. I know the work will be hard and the challenges great, and I am anxious to prove myself worth. Acceptance at Vanderbilt is very important to me, and I will not accept anything less. I have considered many different schools, but I always return to Vanderbilt University as my only choice. What attracts me most is Vanderbilt’s high standards and reputation for excellence, traits I have honed and maintained throughout my schooling. Preparing to become a doctor means many more years of education, and I must learn from the best. Ashton DeShazier. (2017, Mar 03).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Policy and Plan Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Policy and Plan Development - Assignment Example Sometimes it is important to resolve the issues soon with guidelines that are provided. The employees are advised to talk with their managers and supervisors. They would also consult other important personnel on the illegal or even unethical behaviors. The code purposely to provide a better framework of guiding principles that direct the employees on daily conduct while carrying out their obligations and duties. Especially handling of situations that employees may come across in the workplace may be frustrating. There is a need to have guidance on certain issues that are considered technical. Therefore, those dealing with conflicts of interest may be specified and the procedures posted on the company’s intranet. These policies and procedures are to be included as a reference for the employees and they are subject to being changes or even being the elimination at company discretion. Compliance with the company laws For a company to value its reputation with the applicable gover nment laws and regulations, every employee should comply accordingly while representing the company. The same employee should avoid participating in any conduct that may legally allow is not consistent with the ethics provided by the company. ... In some instances, conflict of interest has come up when an employee has some interests that may render the performance of his or her work. ECG company executive has violated this code of conduct. The spouse of an executive received improper benefits because of having his husband in an influential position at ECG. It is unethical to have employees and close relatives to have any financial alignments or even having targets to do so. Those who own the minority equity interest in a company which is owned by public and doing business together is not perceived as having a conflict of interest. In addition, an employee should not perform a duty or transaction with a friendly company or an organization that is managed by a close family member. The same would be viewed as the family member has employed the management position and sales into a family affair. In summary, the employees and their family members are not obliged to request or accept discounts, gratuities, gift certificates or othe r value items and services of the company vendors. As an example portrayed in the ECG company. As we know, because the employees participate in a wide range of activities, it could be very difficult to specify what could constitute to being having a conflicting interest. A conflict of interest has been practiced and existed in ECG Company. This is when the company executive and his spouse show interest in a financial quest in acquiring the Government Allies Company. There are some instances such as invitations to dinner, lunch or other small favors from the suppliers or vendors that are common to the business and have no special or important considerations to them may not be considered
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Skiing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Skiing - Essay Example In USA, the first record of the use of skis was in Wisconsin in the year 1841 with the first ski race being held in 1867. Other famous events in the ski history in the US were held in the 1930s in locations such as Utah, Idaho, Stowe, Sun Valley and Ulta among others. Recreational skiing, which is the most popular type, has been traced to have originated in the Scandinavian countries with Norway being the location where it was most used. Initially, skiing was used as a method of movement (travel) as used by hunters across the snow-bound regions. In this period, steering and stopping techniques were developed while also various types of skiing such as Alpine and ski jumping were established as well. With the migration and traveling of the Norwegians around other parts of the world, there was an emergence of skiing as a sport. 1n 1924, the first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix, France where skiing sport was part of the military competitions. During this time, the ski equipment was greatly improved while the transportation devices for carrying skiers were also developed. With a growing interest in the recreational activity, there was an emergence of ski resorts largely in the urbanized areas. By the World War II, skiing sport had grown into a large industry that went beyond the traditional hardcore group such as the college club students and ski jumpers. After the war, the skiing industry experienced a rapid growth that was characterized by an increase in the number of ski areas and an improvement of ski equipment among others. The Winter Olympic games of the year 1960 were televised, making the sport more popular among the American population. The post-1970s years have seen a continuous growth of the sport that has seen the skiing industry become what there is in this day (Goeldner & Standley, 105-106). Today, there are numerous types and styles in which the sport enthusiasts enjoy it.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
What is the Truth Essay Example for Free
What is the Truth Essay When a person goes to court and is asked to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, can we assume that the person giving the statement is telling us facts that are based on a past occurrence or are they actually giving us what they think is the way something happened during that past occurrence? The main problem that we see here is that someones truth is someone elses false. If someone testifies that the sky is blue is it really blue or is blue the only part of the sky that they can see. This is where some problems start to arise. The notion that someones truth is someone elses false can be a little hard to understand at first. The best way that it can be explained is that in some cultures our truth is not going to be the same as theirs. For example John Locke said that whatsoever is, is this would not be the same truth as Socrates idea of a chair (or Platos eidos-the ideal form of the chair). By Lockes statement we have to accept the chair as being there as truth. By Socrates statement we have to accept that the chair really is not there but the Idea of the chair is. Socrates statement leads to many other questions about truth, because many times, Socrates, himself, tended to doubt that he knew anything at all. But, if you follow his idea to the end then you will find nothing but more questions. For example his idea of a chair is a bunch of molecules bound together to form a shape that one can perceive as a chair. You can take this even further by saying that the molecules are formed of atoms that are positive or negatively charged to form an idea of a molecule. We are still trying to determine what the truth of the chair really is. Lockes stand is that we need to accept the form of the chair as it is and not question what the ideal form of the chair is or was or is going to be. This is one of the many problems that can arise out of different times and/or schools of thought. If you take Socrates side on this argument you will probably never find the truth in our court system. However if you take Lockes side of this argument then you still probably will not find the truth either, although it may be more likely. To tell the truth you have to know what the truth is. The definition of truth is Conformity to fact or actuality what this means is that a person who is telling the truth must not elaborate or use any adjectives to describe a situation they must state facts. For example if the question is what color is the sky? Then the reply must be the color of the sky that I could see was blue. This lets the questioner know that although the sky is blue it is many other colors that the eye can not perceive. For any person to know the truth the first thing that they have to admit to is that they really only perceived certain situations that they saw, heard, or seen to be true. Once they do this they can start to understand what the truth actually is. Hence all human truth is limited. Take for instance the movie The Matrix. Is Neo seeing the truth when the machines have him plugged up to a computer program? Or is he seeing the truth when Morpheous unplugs him and shows him the real world? In either case you could say that Neo is seeing the truth because he can taste, see, touch, hear, and feel in both places. As you can see it is going to be rather difficult to tell the truth. A question about how truth is developed also arises in the movie The Matrix. How did Neo even before he was contacted by Trinity sense that something was wrong? Was it because he was born with a second sense or is everyone able to sense this wrong if they just open up their minds. Immanuel Kant said that if a person undermines his foundation on his house and watches it fall he probably knew that it was going to happen anyway. So even though Neo took the pill and found out that his life was not real according to Kant he already knew that. The next part of the Question is to tell the whole truth. Already we have seen how difficult the truth is, but now it seems that this part of the phrase already assumes that you have lied about the first part of the phrase to tell the truth. If you told the truth then you would not have to go back and retell it. An example of not telling the whole truth is if someone gave witness to a murder, and they did not tell the whole scene that they witnessed. If they told a lawyer that they saw a person getting stabbed with a knife forty nine times, and the lawyer did not let them finish their thought or accounts of the murder then they gave false witness to the whole truth. The reason that they would have given false witness is that they did not finish telling the lawyer that after they saw this person stabbed forty nine times that he got up and bowed because it was all part of some street corner magicians act. So how can we tell if the whole truth we here is actually the whole truth and not a lie? The whole truth is almost impossible to achieve. The reason that this is so is because if someone tried to give the whole truth of a situation then they would be there for a very long time trying to give factual evidence of something they saw. On the other hand if the court had time and listened to the Whole truth then many cases would never be overturned in an appeals court. Not only those two, but everything is constantly changing (Heraclites vs. Parmenides, with his notion that things are still and trustworthy). The really interesting part of the statement to give the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth is the last part. If taken in context with the whole phrase you will see that this part assumes that you have lied again, and now someone wants you to give them nothing but the truth. The definition of no thing is Something that has no. independent.. existence. If you take this definition of nothing and add it to the rest of the phrase you get no existence of anything except facts or actualities. So in theory the person asking this statement asks you three times for the same thing just in different ways. All in all there seems to be many intricate problems with the statement To tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth I find it hard to believe that our court system gives the people a fair chance to be heard and represented in a fair and truthful trial. One of the reasons is that we all have prejudices and tend to hear and see only what we want to hear and see.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Free Merchant of Venice Essays: Injustice :: free essay writer
The Merchant of Venice is horrid, cruel, and one of the most popular plays of Shakespeare. After a close reading of the play, I find it impossible to think of Shylock negatively; he is just better quality stuff than any of the Christians in the play. The Christians are truly vile, heartless, money-grabbing monsters, and when Shylock makes his final exit, destroyed by defeat, one should sense that our Christian brothers are at last completely ashamed of themselves. I was hesitant to have anything to do with The Merchant of Venice after I first read it; all possible intrigue had dissolved as I read passages such as the following: "He hath disgraced me and hindered me half a million, laughed at my losses, mocked my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies, and what's his reason? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? ...If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die?" (III.1.49-55, 58-60) This passage tears at my very soul!!! This play was to me a biting farce written to satisfy a bloody crowd. While researching for this paper, I found two seemingly opposing facts about The Merchant of Venice - the Shakespearean play which have sparked the most controversy. This play is the most controversial and the most studied play in Israel. It is difficult to understand how this play could be beloved by the very people who are struck down. Apparently there are various readings of The Merchant of Venice which I had not considered. Perhaps the play is neither pro-Jewish, nor pro-Christian. Sure, Shylock is painted as a money-hungry Jew throughout the Merchant, "My daughter, O my ducats! My ducats, O my daughter!" Shylock is enraged his daughter has eloped with a Christian, but perhaps he is more concerned with the fate of his money. Antonio, a Christian, has borrowed money from Shylock and refuses to pay it back. Here the reader may find a Jew-hating man who publicly spits on Shylock, and suffers from the grief of an unfullfilled homo-erotic relationship.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Aapl Valuation Fcff Essay
Our modern economy relies upon the technology sector to improve quality, productivity, and profitability. Apple’s first computer was developed around the 1970’s. Since then they have surpass one of its biggest competitors Microsoft (MFST). Apple is not only known for its great designs, fun, and intuitive products. Their products have been productive and created a vast profitability for the private sector. Furthermore, there is no stopping point for Apple, it will continue to grow and generate wealth. There have been various events since Apple went public that have generated high returns due to the volatility of the chaining computer industry. Therefore, I believe Apple is in high growth stage, due to the many new innovations that have came out and are about to come out such as: the Iphone 5, new Ipad Mini, and a new line of Mac computes due out in 2013. Data: To evaluate Apple’s stock, I have chosen to use the Free Cash Flow for the Firm model (FCFF). This model is a measurement of the financial performance of a company that articulates the cash generated from the firm, which is then subtracted by the firm’s expenses, taxes, Net Working Capital, Depreciation, and Capital Expenditures. In essence, this formula is a measurement of the company’s profitability after all expenses and reinvestments. The data that I have collected to provide a future evaluation of Apple’s stock is as stated. The data began at the end of 2011 and is all expressed as millions. CAPEX was $11,768, Depreciation was $3,991, EBIT was $33,790, NWC was $17,018, total liabilities were $39,756, the number of shares outstanding were 937. 4, and the parameters given for the High growth and Low growth were Tax rate as 34%, Treasury bills were 2. %, Market Risk-Premium was 4%, and the high growth period is for 8 years; therefore, from 2012 to 2019 Apple is under high growth at 5. 5% and for 2020 apple stabilizes at 3%. Moreover, the bounds that were provided for high growth were as stated. The Debt-Equity ratio was 40%, which is used to find the weight of debt (Wd) and weight of equity (We). Lastly, the cost of debt (Kd) given is 4. 75% and the current Beta was founded through Scottrade a nd was . 86. However, for stable growth the data differed. Such as the Beta, which was 4/5 of the high growth Beta, Debt-Equity ratio is 25%, and the cost of debt (Kd) is 4. 25%. All in all, the FCFF model will provide the intrinsic value of the firm and of the stock; therefore, it will be compared to the current market price of the stock. Results: The projections, along with the formulas used, for the evaluation of Apple ‘s stock can be found in the Excel worksheet provided. First, I will go over the results for the high growth phase. For instance using the Debt-Equity ratio, the weights for debt and equity were 28% and 71%. Since the ratio was given and not a percentage expressed as weight, Wd+We=1 was used to find the weights. These weights are realistic in terms that Apple does contain too much L. T. debt. From there the CAPM model was used to solve for the (Ke), which was 5. 94%. Also, the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) was founded using the above constraints. This was 5. 14%, which states that Apple does not require a high rate of return for future mergers or expansions. This also provides the interests that Apple has to pay for every dollar it finances. Lastly, by using one of the major valuation models, such as the DCF, the Present Value, which identifies the intrinsic value of the company, was founded for each high growth year. Second once Apple stabilized after year 2019, the prediction of growth is 3%, and Beta was projected to be . 96. Again, by using the boundaries stated above: the (Ke), weight of equity/debt, and WACC were as follow 6. 34%, 80%, 20%, and 5. 63%. These numbers were somewhat similar to its high growth stage; therefore, signifying Apple is still a strong company once it stabilizes. Yet, another reason why Apple can provide such attractive returns. Conversely, finding the Terminal Value (Pt) of the company, which is the value of the company at a future year, projected the PV for stable growth, in this case it was 2020. The (Pt) was over $1 billion, yet again another reason why Apple creates a great investment opportunity. Moreover, by adding all of the PV, including the stable growth year, the intrinsic value of the firm is over $966 million and minus the current value of debt, Apple is still worth (value of equity) over $926 million. This equity divided the current number of shares outstanding; Apple’s intrinsic value of stock is $988. 80 per share. By comparison the current stock price, which is $649. 79 per share, the stock value is undervalued. Likewise, making (AAPL) a rewarding opportunity that must not be taken for granted. Conclusion With outstanding projections by Apple my recommended strategy is simple and involves options. Reason being is that orthodox investments do not provide great returns in a volatile market. Therefore, by evaluating apple now considering future parameters, trading Apple as an option will provide attractive returns. Since Apple growths rate is far greater than its P/E ratio, its long-term trend will be positive; therefore, making it an attractive somewhat safe bet. For instance, buy several calendar spreads at a strike below, at, and above the stock price. If (AAPL) moves between $10-$15 higher then sell the lowest strike spread, and replace it with a higher one around $4 to $6 more than the one sold. This should be reverse if the stock price falls in price. All in all, this is a daily trade strategy, yet it has the potential to provide good returns since the day rate for the short weeks is greater than monthly decay rates.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
In-Depth Psychoanalysis Essay
The formation and maintenance of the psychoanalysis frame is important for the function of setting up an ideal emotional relationship with a patient. It is the ability to know how to help the patient by deducing the emotional projections and barriers that are present within the patient’s psyche (Bishop, 1989). The concept of psychic reality embraces the image of the external world, which accommodates the internal world in an individual that is composed of masculine and feminine energies. It is important for psychoanalysts to comprehend this existing relationship between the external and internal world so that the patient will not be confused in understanding his or her situation (Bishop, 1989). In psychoanalysis, both analyst and patient are expected to merge the inner and outer subjectivity of the patient. The analyst’s main role is to figure out what is the scope of that subjectivity and form a suitable analysis of it that will be able to help both of them to find a solution. The analyst should strive to become a part of the patient’s illness in order to arrive at a solution. This is called Transference which is a central element to psychoanalysis (Bishop, 1989). The door to the past is opened through transference as it seeks to make sense of the present. Objectivity has no place in psychoanalysis because the process is derived from the complexities found within the patient’s psyche. An analyst must be able to honor the patient’s projections of reality for it is there that the solution may be brought to light (Bishop, 1989). A conceptual frame exists in the process of psychoanalysis in which the mode of transference is indicative of the projections offered by both the patient and the analyst. It is imperative that an analyst maintains the frame by respecting the patient’s time as it is giving the patient an opportunity to handle his or her own problems (Bishop, 1989). While both the analyst and the patient remain independent, mental interpenetration should be experienced by both parties through the combined efforts of projective identification. It is a process that permits bonding with the patient, alluding to a psychic intercourse. In psychotherapy, the psychotherapist is expected to psychically bond with the patient as a marital partner that nurses the wounded child found within the patient (Bishop, 1989). Psychological elements within the frame emphasizes on three things: Neutrality, anonymity and avoidance of extra-analytic contact. The first element, neutrality, considers a behavior in which the analyst withholds external manifestations of judgment to keep things professional and the psychoanalytic process unaffected. The second element deals with anonymity, which exhibits separation of an analyst’s personal life from the profession. It is obscuring personal attributes and judgment from a patient, except if it is considered beneficial to the situation at hand. The last element, avoidance of extra-analytic contact, upholds the professionalism of the psychoanalyst by deciding to evade places where patients would most likely be. This will set limitations between analyst and patient by not encouraging further contact between the two parties aside from those established within the bounds of the psychoanalysis sessions (Bishop, 1989). Along with these elements, silence contributes a great deal toward intervention in psycho-analytic treatment. It promotes an attitude toward to a gestational state where the individual could combine thoughts and feelings. The space in the room should be filled with the patient’s mind and not the therapists’ knowledge. Silence allows the patient to center on what is inside rather than what is outside. An analyst should take care not to interfere with this process as language may affect its course (Bishop, 1989). Another thing an analyst should keep in mind is interpreting the silence by giving importance to the transference process, exposing the unconscious mind. The purpose of unraveling such consciousness is to project the instinctual or the here and now. Transference brings rise to object relations connected with the patient’s anxieties toward unconsciousness (Bishop, 1989). For an analyst to be more attuned toward the needs of the patient, derivatives must be presented in order to clarify what was obtained from the transference. It is keeping the exchange route open and flowing. The frame of psychoanalysis should be preserved in such a way that it allows room for both the patient and the analyst to bond together by figuring out the source of the psychological discomfort. It is establishing a stable connection between the patient and the analyst (Bishop, 1989). 2. Discuss Bion’s Model as it relates to psychological development and psychotherapeutic process. What correlates do you find in the work of Freud and Kohut? Initially, Bion’s interpretations of the subconscious mind gravitate toward the idea that thoughts precede thinking. He believes that people have existing preconceptions about the environment and their realizations. When these two factors meet, it serves as a basis for thinking (Bishop, 1989). Bion postulates that each person possesses an inclination to be psychotic (PPP), though it is very much different from being in a state of psychosis. For Bion, it involves a set of process in which sufficient trauma activates the reversion of PPP, enabling one to experience such a state. It is fueled by the death instinct that affects the instinctual drive to kill and the ability to think and feel (Bishop, 1989). Feelings and thoughts are processed by the patient as a separate entity from him or her; therefore, the psychotic part emerges as a detached state that breaks the linkages between thoughts and feelings. As a result, destructive impulses, intolerant frustrations, hatred and irritability occur within the patient, rendering narcissistic love into sadism (Bishop, 1989). The patient experiencing this kind of state lives in a state of persecution through the creation of bizarre objects or hallucinations. This part of the personality relies on removing any negative thought-process through projective identification. Most often, projective identification refers to the pathological element of execution but under normal circumstances, it is a mode of interpersonal communications that permits the patient to express his or her feelings for the analyst to make sense of them. Such frightening expressions of the patient create a digestible container in the analyst who accepts the projected reality (Bishop, 1989). The analyst then interjects such expressions or beta elements surrounding the projection. The analyst needs to acknowledge how frightening the projection is and respond to it appropriately.  This process is known as alpha function, which simply associates itself from the feeding ritual of birds. The parent bird feeds the baby by taking the worm and digesting it through the creation of bite-size pieces. When the digestion is achieved, the parent bird regurgitates it in the mouth of the baby bird in order to help the baby bird digest the food. The human counterpart features the analyst as the parent bird and the patient as the baby bird. The patient projects a reality to the analyst, which in turn is emotionally digested by the analyst and offered back to the patient. The analyst needs to regress in order to process projective identification so that it coincides with what the patient has given (Bishop, 1989). If the beta element returned by the therapist is unstable, the patient will assume that the therapist is of no help as he or she could not comprehend the situation. This leads the patient to feel misunderstood and alone. From this, the patient starts to project a more violent attitude toward the analyst. The outcome may lead to psychosis if the patient is unable to find another container on which to project the beta elements. The analyst must be able to reframe the beta elements in order to provide the big picture to the patient (Bishop, 1989). With regard to Kohut and Freud, both place special emphasis on narcissism. Kohut identifies narcissism as a way of rejection by discarding oneself into another’s experience through empathy. It is the primary therapeutic tool that does not connote affect or emotional attitude. The affect is only experienced once the analyst finally comprehends the patient’s circumstance (Curtis, 2008). While Freud may have discussed how an individual relates to his or her being as an object and creates conflict within if disappointments occur, separating it from the line of development, Kohut believes that the narcissistic line is a long-term process. People take what they can from their environment all throughout their lives, which is what fuels narcissism (Curtis, 2008). The transference in Kohut’s explanation takes place in the selfobject relationship which provides a mirroring positive response to the patient that is in dire need of it. It is the proliferation of affirmation, appreciativeness, and fulfillment of purpose, which supports narcissism in its most positive sense. The function of this is to supply the emotional deficit that is lacking in the environment of the patient (Curtis, 2008). One of the major changes that have occurred from traditional psychoanalysis is the introduction of selfobject as a counterpart of the projective identification of Klein/Freud. It sets up primary emotional connections that aid in psychological development. The process is not concerned with the outside notions of the self but of the inner projections that manifests itself through deficits (Curtis, 2008). Another modification concerns the predisposition of the analyst of the past to take things from an objective perspective to a subjective experience. This view intercepts the existing relationship of the analyst-patient into one unit which also encourages counter-transference on the part of the analyst (Curtis, 2008). Psychotherapy involves the examination of a patient’s long history and the fragments of mal-attunments that affects his or her sense of self. The role of the analyst is to assist the patient in re-establishing the nuclear self and assesses realistically the positive side of the patient’s psyche. This is the only way for the patient to willingly internalize the deficits through optimal failures. Failure is essential to the growth of an individual since it helps develop perseverance and maintain a healthy ego. Psychotherapy helps in the process of arriving at the selfobject needs of patient through the awareness of the existing deficits and responding empathically to it (Curtis 2008). References: Bishop, A. (1989). Classical psychoanalytic technique. In R. Langs (Ed.). New York: Guilford Press. Curtis, R.C. (2008). Desire, Self, Mind, and the Psychotherapies: Unifying Psychological Science and Psychoanalysis (The New Imago). (1st ed.). New York: Jason Aronson.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Social Services
Social service agencies are classified as public or private based on their policies as well as their means of funding. However in today’s society cooperation/integration between the two types of organizations ids not uncommon. There are many advantages and disadvantages to each classification. It is my objective to distinguish between the advantages as well as disadvantages of both private and public organizations. I am biased somewhat as I have experienced the problems that go on within the public section of these agencies. In public agencies the goals of a social worker will often be put the test and often thwarted, despite the best of intentions on the social worker. How can a professional within the social work field promote well being, quality of life, social justice, enhancement or empowerment if the local, state, and federal laws and policies deter him or her? Almost all-public agencies are funded by our tax dollars. The legislators that govern the people decide what goes where and to whom. The money is usually allotted to categorized areas, areas that contain a limited population. Funding should be used to help a broader scope of people not just part or the population. Another negative aspect of being under the public categorization is that with governmental funds you get governmental laws and boundaries. Not to mention the number of clients that fall through the cracks because of fragmented services and these categorization issues. Categorized funding is a direct result of governmental interference. When the government decides to tailor down the budget the first thing that usually gets cut are public agencies that target the poverty stricken urban areas. These budget cuts dramatically affect the quality and amount of services an agency can provide. Which leaves the agency crippled and only able to target limited populations through planned efforts verses the whole community. The categorization and bureaucratic ... Free Essays on Social Services Free Essays on Social Services Social service agencies are classified as public or private based on their policies as well as their means of funding. However in today’s society cooperation/integration between the two types of organizations ids not uncommon. There are many advantages and disadvantages to each classification. It is my objective to distinguish between the advantages as well as disadvantages of both private and public organizations. I am biased somewhat as I have experienced the problems that go on within the public section of these agencies. In public agencies the goals of a social worker will often be put the test and often thwarted, despite the best of intentions on the social worker. How can a professional within the social work field promote well being, quality of life, social justice, enhancement or empowerment if the local, state, and federal laws and policies deter him or her? Almost all-public agencies are funded by our tax dollars. The legislators that govern the people decide what goes where and to whom. The money is usually allotted to categorized areas, areas that contain a limited population. Funding should be used to help a broader scope of people not just part or the population. Another negative aspect of being under the public categorization is that with governmental funds you get governmental laws and boundaries. Not to mention the number of clients that fall through the cracks because of fragmented services and these categorization issues. Categorized funding is a direct result of governmental interference. When the government decides to tailor down the budget the first thing that usually gets cut are public agencies that target the poverty stricken urban areas. These budget cuts dramatically affect the quality and amount of services an agency can provide. Which leaves the agency crippled and only able to target limited populations through planned efforts verses the whole community. The categorization and bureaucratic ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Inclusion Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Inclusion - Term Paper Example The irrevocable truths about nature are only two; diversity and dynamicity.Everything else is ephemeral. Both of these attributes in any setting provide opportunities as well as resources for developing new concepts and strategies The concept of inclusion has gathered impetus from this diversity or from being differently-abled rather than social, cultural and even scientific biases categorizing them as â€Å"disabled†. However, the issue involves the intricacies of human brain; of the differently-abled as well as of those who are responsible for facilitating their learning. Hence, the problem is much more complex. The ongoing inclusion vs. non-inclusion debate stems from the concerns of educationists, researchers, parents and policymakers for the appropriate learning and development of these differently-abled children, efforts to make them a part of the real world, recognize their potentials and help develop skills enabling an earning, and in the process avoiding any incident that may lower their self esteem, or lead to their further exclusion. Another aspect of the debate is the uniqueness of these individuals, rendering generalizations unfair. History of Inclusion A society is judged by the way it treats its members who are different, weak, disabled and poor. Following this line of judgment, history of human civilization has abundant evidences of society being highly intolerant and unaccommodating. It has failed to provide for the ‘different’ in general; one example of which is its treatment of the differently-abled learners such as the physically, intellectually or behaviorally disabled for long; making amendments only recently. For a long period extending up to the beginning of 18th century, individuals different from the ‘normal’ exhibiting social, political, behavioral, intellectual and physical deviance were rarely tolerated, and usually ostracized. It was only in the middle of 18th century that first reports of education being systematically imparted to the disabled in European countries are recorded; the process accepted as a specific branch of education by the close of 18th century (Winzer, 1993). In USA, prior to 1970, legal provisions allowed educational institutions to deny admission to the disabled considering them unfit for learning (Murdick, Gartin, & Crabtree, 2006). There was also either no provision for special needs students who were allowed in regular schools or they received an excluded education in a segregated classroom or school with a curriculum completely different from the regular classrooms i.e. non-inclusive education. It was only in between the 1960s and 75 that a collaborative effort of parents, disabled individuals and professionals lead to formation of advocacy groups promoting ‘equal opportunity for education’. The enactment of the 1970 education act in 1971 ended the prejudices against disabled children allowing them to be categorized as uneducable. Section 504 of the rehabilitation act passed on September 26, 1973 aimed to overcome the discrimination against individuals with handicap for federal funding (Zirkel & Kincaid, 1995). However with lack of funding and monitoring the legislation was ignored by educational institutions. The landmark Warnock report (1978) in England, Wales and Scotland proved to be turning point in developing public and professional opinion about disabled children. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), (earlier known as the Education for all Handicapped Children Act) or Public law 94-142, passed in 1975 and amended in 1983 and again in 1990; lay down specific eligibilities regarding special education, parental rights and individualized educational programs (IEP). The three conditions that were to be fulfilled for special education drives were stipulated to be: Education of disabled children
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Financial Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Financial Analysis - Assignment Example cial ratio are the management team in evaluating the performance of the company in terms of profitability, operational efficiency, and financial health over a period of time by comparing past and present ratios, and also comparing this with the industrial average (Brigham, 2012). Shareholders are other groups that use information from ration analysis. Information in the financial statement is usually difficult for outsiders to understand. The ratio analysis helps in analyzing and interpreting information from the financial statements in a simplified manner, and in a manner that can be understood by those who do not know the accounting language. This information helps them know the position of their investment and expected returns from their investment. The ratio analysis is useful in analyzing the liquidity of the company. This information is useful to the third group that uses the ratio analysis are the creditors. They are able to know the company’s capacity to meet their lon g term liabilities which determines the credit terms. Financial analysis usually tries to determine the qualitative factors when evaluating the future financial performance. One qualitative factor is the competitive advantage which determines the company’s ability to survive in the market. This also determines the company’s ability to keep competitors at bay, enjoy profits, and growth. Corporate governance has become a crucial issue today which determines the relationship between directors, management, and other stakeholders. One aspect of corporate governance is financial transparency. This implies that the financial information is being released in a manner that stakeholders are able to follow what the management if doing, thus have a clear understanding on the financial situation. This also increases the trust that stakeholders have in the company, ensuring a long term relationship. Finally, the structure of the board of directors under corporate governance determines the future
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