Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Comparison of Child Prodigy W.a Mozart and Michael Jackson
Running Head: Comparison of Child Prodigy W.A Mozart and Michael Jackson Comparison of Child Prodigy W.A Mozart and Michael Jackson Concepts of Health HPED 1800 AB338 Shorter University April 27, 2011 â€Å"On my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor received any unacknowledged aid on this assignment.†------------------------------------------------- Signature Running Head: Comparison of Child Prodigy W.A Mozart and Michael Jackson Comparison of Child Prodigy W.A Mozart and Michael Jackson Author Note This research was supported by The Encyclopedia of Health, Psychological Disorders and Their Treatment. New, NY: Patrick Young; 1991. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Tamekia†¦show more content†¦He raced to finish it but in the end only completed a few movements and a sketchy outline of the rest of the piece. He died probably from poor health when he was just thirty five years old. The Requiem was completed by one of Mozarts pupils, Sussmayr.Mozart was apolitical. He was very classical. He appreciated Bach and had a large output: 49 symphonies and 18 operas. References Weilert, T. amp; Weinberger, D. (1998). Feeling Depressed or Anxious. Retrieved March 17, 2011 from http://www.emental-health.com Arasse, Daniel (1989). Complete Guide to Mental Health. Allen Lane Press, New York. Young, Patrick (1991). The Encyclopedia of Health, Psychological Disorders and Their Treatment. Herrington Publications. New York Merrill MD. D. (2010). Schizophrenia. Retrieved March 16, 2011 from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth Covers, C. (2009). Second-generation versus first-generation antipsychotic drugs for Schizophrenia. Retrieved March 16, 2011 from
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Black Feminism Free Essays
Black Feminism â€Å"Feminism in general is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. †Black Feminism is a strand of feminist thought, which highlights the manifold disadvantages of gender, class and race that shape the experiences of nonwhite women. Black feminist organizations emerged during the 1970s and they had to face manifold difficulties from both the white feminist and Black Nationalist political organizations they were confronting with. We will write a custom essay sample on Black Feminism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Black feminists had rejected the idea of a single unified gender oppression that faced evenly by all women, and argued that early feminist analysis reflected the specific concerns of white, middle-class women. One of the theories that evolved out of the Black feminist movement was Alice Walker’s Womanism. Alice Walker and other womanists pointed out that black woman experienced a different and more intense kind of oppression from that of white women. They point out the emergence black feminism after earlier movements led by white middle-class women which they regard as having largely ignored oppression based on race and class. Patricia Hill Collins defined Black feminism, in Black Feminist Thought (1991), as including â€Å"women who theorize the experiences and ideas shared by ordinary black women that provide a unique angle of vision on self, community, and society†. Different critics gave their opinion regarding â€Å"Black Feminism†, some of them tried to justify their stand as the â€Å"Black Feminists†, some elaborated the purposes of this movement, some discussed the themes that work in this theory. They stated such as; Women of color have never been placed on a pedestal and protected the way white women are, and although women of color are thought of as a voiceless people, the stereotypes used to oppress them, â€Å"black matriarch†, â€Å"bitch†and â€Å"sapphire†, contradict that notion (Hudson-Weems 211-213). In establishing why Black Feminism is relevant, it must be established that women of color have been thrice victimized: by racism, sexism and economic exploitation. These three oppressive forces affect women of color simultaneously and equally relentlessly (Gordon 166). Black Feminism is the acknowledgement that women of color have been oppressed by sexism and racism, that there was a failure to recognize and address these issues in the Feminist Movement and the Black Liberation Movement, and that women of color have their own agenda that neither movement can take on. Black Feminism focuses on the experiences needs and desires of women of color (Aldridge 193). The goal of Black Feminism is to create a criterion by which women of color can assess their realities, both in thought and in action (Hudson-Weems 210). Although it is contested that all struggles are the same, placing all women under feminism is the epitome of racist arrogance and domination, suggesting that white women’s experience is the standard and authority above any other experience (Hudson-Weems 209). Basically three characteristic themes are found in Black Feminist thought: †¢ Black women’s self-definition and self-valuation; †¢ The interlocking nature of oppression; and †¢ The importance of Afro-American women’s culture. We find the themes of Black Feminism like repression of women, self actualization, self-definition, self-valuation, political suppression and kind of racial, class and gender biases towards the women of Black race, in the stories of â€Å"Lice†, â€Å"Veil†and â€Å"Independence Day†. â€Å"Lice†is really a true illustration of deprivation of women because of their gender, kind of gender oppression and the stereotypical view of women in Black community that women are only to get married, have sex, and to devote their whole life for the family. There is a woman in the story, named â€Å"Sissie†a â€Å"voiceless creature†, as stereotypical view of Black Feminism is. In the Black community it is considered that if you are a woman you just have to perform certain roles other than that you have no identity of your own, as in the story the condition of sissie in Black community truly explained this stereotype â€Å"an ordinary wife with a normal marriage, ignored, double-timed, a harassed mother, a low paid teacher in a rotten third world education system. Black women have no personal identity without the male entity, as the words of sisse’s mother when sissie is going to married â€Å"Now our daughter has become a proper lady†. ith marriage comes a lot of responsibilities and she is left with no self-identity and have to behave like a Lady and then her mother thinks like a typical mother that she must stop calling her daughter ‘baby’ now because ‘†¦she was a grand old lady of five years’. In her autobiography â€Å"Anne Moody†, brings the idea of black feminism into account, stating, â€Å"We we re told in the same breath to be quiet both for the sake of being ‘ladylike’ and take us less objectionable in the eyes of white people. †She is deprived of her wants and needs but in this situation as well her mother advises her to ‘remember counting her blessings’. She is having a husband who is legally and fully married to her but most of the time’ she also knows without looking that her husband was not occupying his side of the bed’’. She has no right to ask her husband because she is supposed to handle the households, not to look into the doings of her husband. As it is against the norms of patriarchal society, in which she is living. The depravity of the Black women also proves in the fact that their marriages are dependent on their pregnancies â€Å"Their marriages depended on it. Their feminity. Their humanity. †Third phase which depicts the darker aspect of black feminism is that of sexual oppression. Women are sexually harassed by male, as in the story Sissie is representative of the working women community, that how her Boss demanded sexual favor as a substitute for her promotion. Another blessing is mentioned that it is Saturday, which means no school but this Saturday means nothing for her as she has much to do at home on the free day, because there is no concept of rest for a woman even on the holiday. There is a car in her house which is her husband’s. She has no right regarding the car in spite of having investment in the car. Here again comes one of the major themes of Black Feminist thought that is of self valuation that a woman has no self possession. The very title of the story â€Å"Lice†is symbolic in the sense that apparently lice are in her daughter’s hair but symbolically these are the parasites that Black women have in their life in the form of biases, gender subjugation and typical concept about women as small creatures. â€Å"The Veil†refers to the theme of realization, self actualization in the Black feminism theory. It is the realization of woman after the real experience of having sex. The story is based on relationships and is being told by a woman that how a woman presuppose about having sex as an enjoyable activity but later on she realizes the truth that this enjoyment doesn’t last for long and at the end there remains nothing. Basically this story embodies the objectification of women and glorification of sex but sudden realization of the true fact, which is an important concept in Black Feminism that women of Black race starting realizing or identifying the things. As â€Å"His eyes are the only part of his body with which I have real contact. They dispel strangeness and ugliness and make my relationship with him real in the midst of numerous unreal ones†it is because in the beginning they used to spend time talking and sharing their interests and wants and this communication was carried out through eye contact as well as it was ‘a sort of meeting of minds, and gratifying’ but this relationship now lacks communication that’s what makes them feel strangers to each other and a number of questions arise in her mind that ‘whether it was the body’s desire for contact with another body? And this idea gives vent to ‘a violent desire’ to find out how ‘the meeting of my body with his could be like’. This lust for the fulfillment of bodily desires ‘draws me into loveless contacts simply in order to satisfy that curiosity’ and she experiences a kind of repulsion between their bodies except ‘in one situation – that of love. ’ Then she thinks about the cause behind this repulsion and comes to know that ‘man worships his masculinity, so woman repulses him’ and the only way to get rid of this repulsion is ‘the victory of love over the male deity’ but she has no idea what it is and once again she is encountered by certain thoughts such as ‘Is the relationship between us love? ’ and ‘s love simply a fairy tale,†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ but suddenly a bitter realization stuck in her mind that ‘All the fairy tales come to an end and the veil fell from each of them. and ‘each time a veil fell,†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ she cries for ‘the beautiful illusion which was lost. ’ Then there comes a time when they both are having sex she notices that his body reveals ‘strength, youthfulness, cleanliness and good eating’ but later on when he is dressed and getting ready to leave ‘his face looks tired, as though he’s suddenly grown old and weary. à ¢â‚¬â„¢ She experiences mixed ‘feelings of joy mingle with strange feelings of sadness’ as the man has left her alone once again. When ‘the effect of wine has gone and the veil has lifted from my eyes’, she looks into the mirror as â€Å"I am about to walk away from the mirror, like every other time, to trample on the fallen veil at my feet and stamp on it with new found strength. But this time I do not leave my place. I bend down, pick up the veil from the ground and replace it once again on my face†. The story is all about the feelings of a woman that how she feels when the fantasy world or the glorified picture of having sexual pleasure turned into the reality. A veil of illusion is now dropped away from her eyes. But at the end of the day, she has to put up that veil over her face and pretend to be like as usual, because she is anticipated to behave like this. The story ‘Independence Day’ written by â€Å"Yvonne Vera†is a representation of political suppression of women of Black Color. This story refers to the variations in definition of independence according to men and women. In the story there is a man who is watching Independence celebrations on television and he decides that ‘he was going to celebrate Independence properly; with cold beer and a woman. On the other hand, the celebrations are going on ‘the Prince and the new Prime Minister walked to the large flag pole in the middle of the stadium. ’ it is midnight and on one hand it is ‘the magic time of change’ whereas on the other side, the man is busy having sex with that prostitute. The whole country got independence but what about the woman who is still the slave of others and has to live her life the way she is told to. Although they were going to enter in a new era but it makes no difference for the women because there are specific boundaries settled by men for her, which is not allowed by the society to cross anyway. In short, we see that the black feminist movement had to contend with civil rights movements that wanted women in a lesser role. Men believed the black women would organize around their own needs and minimize their own efforts, losing reliable allies in the struggle for civil rights. The black feminist movement not only had to compete with racial prejudice but also the structure of our patriarchal society, making their struggle much harder. How to cite Black Feminism, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Case study on SWOT Analysis On Pacific International Lines
Question : Explain the SWOT Analysis Of Pasific International Lines Comapany. Answer : Introduction Pacific International Lines Company is a privately held organization consolidated in Singapore. It has extensive variety of organizations from shipping to container manufacturing and different logistics related administrations with the center of our business in container shipping. It has been incorporated following 1967. It is into one of the biggest ship-owners in Southeast Asia. As of now it has 18,000 employees around the world. PIL as of now works in Europe, Canada, and the Indian sub-mainland. It has differentiated into distinctive exercises identified with logistics. PIL has contributed 11 container shipping offices in China. They are into production network administration, solidification/dispersion offices, warehousing, multi-modal administrations, holder station/terminal operations and also having enthusiasm for boat orgs around the world. It likewise claims 18 logistics focuses and its China system incorporates 22 completely authorized extensions (PIL, 2015). They got the aw ard as Highly commended carriers at 19th Australian Shipping and Maritime Industry Awards in 2014. They even pledged to promote and support clean and green environment while shipping. This organization by help of technology contributes to sustainable community to maximize efficiency and reduce fuel consumption. Are You Daunted by the Thought of Due Assignments? Avail Our Services and Receive Assignment Help from Experts. About Pacific International lines company Pacific International lines Parent Company Pacific International Lines Category Shipping Company Sector Transportation/ shipping and Logistics Tagline/ Slogan Our Promise, Your Satisfaction Mission To be a leader in the maritime industry by providing high quality and reliable shipping and related services. Segment Business which requires logistics and transportation services Target Group Businesses which requires shipping services USP PIL is ranked 16th amongst the top containership operators in the world Awards Highly commended carriers at 19th Australian Shipping and Maritime Industry Awards in 2014 Tax Contribution Award in Shanghai, Hong Kou District in 2014(PIL, 2015) Long Beach Green Flag Environment Award in 2012 Singapore International Maritime Award in 2011 Business China Awardsin 2011 SWOT Analysis of Pacific International Lines Strength 1. Good Management and Leadership 2. Well-deserved reputation and abundant capital 3. Integrated packages service technological innovation 4. Company believes in core values 5. Network in 100 countries 6. 3000 active users in IT 7. Offering services in more than 500 locations 8. Focus on middle east and Asia-Africa 9. Sustainable community for to maximize efficiency and minimize fuel consumption. Weakness 1. TEU in service still have developing space 2. The family owned group faces has the problem of talent Opportunity Proactive developments for making ships environmental friendly Growing business in other sectors Implementing MLC at work for quality work(PIL, 2015) Threats Oversupply International shipping remains turbulent and complex Cyber threats Offseason market Economy slowdown Strategies choice Strengthen and Beef up its feeder service to capture the market and protect its long term projects and contracts with new and existing clients Strategies its position towards diversification but not deviate too far from core business. Strength: The first pillar of the SWOT analysis is the strength of the company. It focuses on the qualities of the company which make it different from others. The Strength of Pacific International Lines are-- 1. Good Management and LeadershipThe leadership and management of Pacific International Lines is the main strength of company. Leadership is an art of influencing the people.The management of Pacific international lines is well defined and leaders of the company are so influencing and friendly. The management by effective planning and controlling the people and processes are the key skill of the leaders of company. The leaders or managers are responsible, and provide a positive and professional environment. This approach of managers generates positive attitudes in their teams. This engagement of employees is a powerful weapon in growing a business (Valentin, 2001). 2. Well-deserved reputation and abundant capitalThe Pacific International Lines are a well-deserved reputation in the shipping industry which results in an abundant turnover of the company. The company holds the 16th position amongst the top containership operators in the world and received list of awards for their contribution in the shipping and transportation industry. The Pacific International Lines offer container liner services and multi-purpose services over in 500 locations in around 100 countries worldwide. There are around 18, 000 employees working in PIL company worldwide (Christopher, 1992). 3. Integrated packages service technological innovationThe Pacific International Lines are committed to step ahead in all areas of the operations that are demonstrated in the growth of the companys liner services. It also build up and renewal of the container shipping fleet of PIL. The vessels of the Pacific International Lines are deployed into liner services with an extensive global reach that ensures the customers projects run, on target on time. The Build-Own-Operate approach of the company dictates the entire fleet of container boxes and the special equipment manufactured by the sister companies of PIL (Bowersox, Closs Stank, 1999). Weakness:The weakness of the company is the second important aspect of SWOT analysis. The weaknesses of a company are the fields in which company need to work on. The weaknesses of Pacific International lines are- 1. TEU in service still has developing space Although the vessels of PIL are of good quality but still the TEU has a developing space. It is also known as a shipping terminal's cargo handling capacity. The capacity of PIL service has still required improving the capacity of the cargo or the handling capacity of vessels. The capacity of PIL general purpose containers is General Purpose 20' x 8' x 8'6''. It should be improve to improve the services provided by Pacific International Lines (Kumar, 2005). 2. The family owned group faces has the problem of talent The Pacific International is a family owned business and therefore it may face the lack of new talent from outside. As family businesses expand from the entrepreneurial beginnings, they have to face unique performance or governance challenges. The generations of the founders may insist on running the family company even when they are not suited for the job. So it is should not be ignored (Kumar, 2005). 3. The East- West shipping PIL provides only the East- West shipping which is not beneficial during the off season. If the company provides shipping in all directions, it will help to improve the turnover of the company and also affect the ranking of the company (Kumar, 2005). Opportunity: Pacific International Lines a Singaporean shipping company has announced that it will revise the services of its CTP. The CTP services will in upcoming time make calls in Los Angeles in the US and Manila in Philippines. The 1st vessel to export between two ports will be the Kota Wangi which has departed Manila on 20th June 2013(Hay Castilla, 2006). The small city state of Singapore belies its stature in global shipping sector. The facility offered by PIL is one of major global transshipment hubs. PIL plays important role in East-West and massive expansion contracts are planned and ensuring the company that the facility will be able to keep pace with developments (Hay Castilla, 2006). This company committed to moving forward in all demonstrated and operations in the growth of liner services and build up new container shipping fleet. MLC 2006 provides comprehensive protection and rights for seafarers at work. The MLC aims to get the decent working conditions for workers and to protect economic interests in fine competition for quality shipping owners (Christopher, 1992). And PIL has started implementing the MLC compliance at work and on board of company vessels so that the company to provide quality shipping services. MLC has designed by ILO to be a global instrument and best international shipping country. PIL is certified with MLC under the approved classification society of LR (Lloyd's Register) which clarifying that the all vessels has been checked and complies with full requirements of MLC (Maritime Labour Convention). Due to new MLC of ILO the shipping companies will grow. PIL is talking advantages of MLC to grow the company revenue and market across East. Threats: According to IMB (International Maritime Bureau), worldwide shipping is facing growing risk in off season for those shipping companies which are offering shipping services from east to west. And PIL is one of top and biggest shipping provider in East-West so during offseason PIL faces threats such as: Economic slowdown Offseason Market slowdown Intense competition to gain market share Changes in regulations of various countries As online shopping and online market is increasing, cyber threats are increasing. Including over shipping and complex and turbulent international shipping, cyber threat is one of present danger. And economic slowdown and changes in regulation and rules in countries are also challenges for the company (Bowersox, Closs Stank, 1999). With the growing of online market and business, companies are facing cyber-attacks and to be secure from cyber-attacks a big challenge for the company. Company is providing international shipping so security and safety of equipments is a big problem. Threats affect the company repo in the market. Although the company is committed to grow the business worldwide by overcoming all there threats with its talented employees and strengths and best management strategies(Christopher, 1992). Conclusion International Shipping companies faces problem in the international market because of economic slowdown and new regulations of international countries. By taking advantages of strengths and its wide network available in worldwide, the company may increasing its revenue. As the company is increasing the services in IT sector also. PIL also plays role as corporate citizen. PIL has most of its market in east-west. The company may increase the market in other countries to be secure form off season threats. With the growing business in other sectors like IT, Software, manufacturing the products company will become strong in international market. References Lee, K. L., Lin, S. C. A fuzzy quantified SWOT procedure for environmental evaluation of an international distribution center.(Information Sciences,[531-549], 2012). Kumar, S. Exploratory analysis of global cosmetic industry: major players, technology and market trends.(Technovation,25(11), [1263-1272], 2005). Hill, T., Westbrook, R. SWOT analysis: it's time for a product recall. (Long range planning,30(1), [46-52.], 1997) Houben, G., Lenie, K., Vanhoof, K. A knowledge-based SWOT-analysis system as an instrument for strategic planning in small and medium sized enterprises.(Decision support systems,26(2), [125-135], 1999). Rizzo, A., Kim, G. 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