Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Revolutionary characters free essay sample
Presently this procedure helped formed the settlements culture of class in light of the fact that the homesteaders were never trackers. At the point when the pioneers got toward the North America they definitely realized that their general public was going to come from agribusiness. That Is the thing that occurred in the southern settlements. These states delivered tobacco, indigo, and rice. At that point after a huge time of farming development in the southern states the northern settlements began to create crude materials to exchange back to England. At that point after that they began creating completed items however this didn't oblige Britains mercantilism approaches. Whichever way the provinces culture was to exchange products and crude materials financially. This Is the thing that makes the provinces so special. This is on the grounds that for most nations this procedure of climbing the allegorical last of social thoughtfulness would have taken so any longer. That is the means by which the social hypothesis of developments social procedure was made and how It came to shape the social respectfulness In the American settlements. We will compose a custom paper test on Progressive characters or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The Founding fathers perspective on their job In forming political and social culture of Revolutionary America was to be leaders.One essential of being a pioneer, thinking back to the eighteenth century was to act like an honorable man. The characteristics of a delicate man incorporates being Tolerant, fair, prudent, and in conclusion open. This was very pivotal In shaping a political and social culture in our nation. That is on the grounds that this implies the pioneers of our nations ought to comply with these standards of being lenient, legitimate, upright, and genuine. One specifically that sticks out of this rundown Is sincere. Particularly in todays governmental issues there are not many pioneers and legislators that are straightforward and candid.Today we find numerous pioneers lying and making bogus vows to the residents Just to be chosen or In our current day case reappointed. Utilizations one could state that the first principals that this nation was in fact established on are not being fallowed by todays pioneers in Americas. The establishing fathers additionally assumed a massive job In the social culture In America. The social culture In America was extremely one of a kind at that point. At the point when you are conceived in America you are not as of now put into a social class. There is an equivalent open door for every single person.And the job that the establishing fathers had played In this was being the individuals who composed the constitution which says what we can or can not do otherwise called our arrangement of laws. It says in the constitution that all men are made similarly which socially talking there are no aristocrats there are no serfs or rulers there are Just residents. Be that as it may, what happens to slaves? Well in Thomas Pains presence of mind he says that the legislature should possess property. Be that as it may, in the event that all men are made equivalent, at that point in what manner can a man be another keeps an eye on property. The establishing fathers had chosen and assumed a huge job in the social culture of The United States yet anyway they never made a solid law or revision about servitude in the constitution. Inevitably this issue will come up time ND time again and this issue will at long last be fathomed very nearly a century (a hundred years) after this nation was established in the common war. The establishing fathers perspective on them self affected a definitive objective of the American Revolution. The manner in which our establishing fathers saw themselves was that they were regular folks battling for the option to be free.This had a significant effect on the American Revolution. This is on the grounds that now a definitive objective of the American Revolution was to have a free country away from the mercantilism arrangements of Great Britain. Well at any rate that was the objective on a superficial level. Beneath this objective were a lot of monetary objectives that were set out by our establishing fathers. The entirety of our establishing fathers were exceptionally well off men and shrewd men. I accept that before when the settlements fundamentally had self principle they made much more money.I accept to the open eye this unrest was an about land and freedom yet to the establishing fathers it could have Just as effectively been around a certain something, and that will be that there was a ton of cash to be made off of America and they were going to make it. Before the American Revolution was totally in progress one of our establishing fathers John Hancock was somebody who might sneak cod fish room Cape Cod Massachusetts right to the Caribbean and he was getting by. When Great Britain had halted their healthy disregard and started to very power the route demonstrations things for sneaking establishing fathers began to change.Now Britain had started to manage the selling and purchasing of these items which chiefly affected the runners or vendors of these merchandise. These vendors Just so happen to be our establishing fathers. As much as an American that I need to accept that our upheaval was battled for the quest for opportunity. I can not. This is on the grounds that he start of the rebellions were simply originated from a financial premise. The first extreme objective of the American Revolution was to be liberated from Britain not on the grounds that they didn't have rights.It was to split away from Great Britain so they might set up their own unhindered commerce away from Britain and not have Great Britain take a cut of the level of what the settlements were delivering and selling. Another objective of the American Revolution was to not be burdened unreasonably by Great Britain. As Patrick Henry said at The House Of Burgess No tax collection! Without portrayal! This implies Patrick Henry believed that it was unjustifiable for the British to pass laws saying they could burden the provinces when the settlements didn't have a vote.Technically the states had agents in British Parliament in any case, they were not casted a ballot into Parliament by provincial residents which practically makes it with the goal that the provinces didn't really have their voice being heard. Rather they didn't have a state about what charges Britain would go in Parliament, the duties would be chosen for the settlements. Fundamentally the establishing fathers saw themselves uniquely in contrast to the general population. The open eye saw them as individuals who were attempting to eight for opportunity and equivalent rights for all men, however in fact they saw themselves as agents and gentlemen.This significantly changed the objective for influence and making a decent measure of cash from this Revolution by utilizing exchange and creating merchandise and offering them to different countries. That is the way the manner in which the establishing fathers had seen themselves preceding the American Revolution had changed the objective of the American Revolution from battling for the option to be allowed to battling for the option to exchange unreservedly under their own management.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Principles of Health Social Care Practice
Standards of Health Social Care Practice Presentation: Individuals who appreciate social consideration and administration make developed danger of poormental wellbeing andbenefit. Around 4â€500,000 social laborers are consistently reaching with intellectually sick individuals. To help and advance great emotional well-being for the buyer of those administrations, all the staff of care administrations are working steadily. The basic center standards to help better emotional wellness and flourishing in grown-up social consideration, in light of work by the Mental Health establishment has been distributed by Skills for Care. A colossal system for the social consideration workforce to serve agreeable top notch social consideration just as help to advance the emotional well-being and headway of individuals who are confronting absence of care and backing have been laid out in the basic center standards and two key zones. In these range this demonstrate individuals to well practice dependent on real life, which clarify how every one of the ten standard and two key regions work. Administrations for the clients to follow the assessment of the patient to lessen the hazard and threat, and numerous social issues. Also, to advance familiarity with the malady and to give care and treatment to keep up privacy of administration clients in wellbeing and social consideration practice. Errand 1: 1(a) Explanation of the standards of help are applied to guarantee that people are thought about in wellbeing and social consideration practice Effective wellbeing and social consideration framework is essential as indicated by rule. What does a guideline depend on? Standards can be restate as commendable guideline directing way , steady guideline of carriage as indicated by fundamental law, to dazzle with a faith’, ‘afundamental part. For making wellbeing and social consideration settings propitious help is required. Great just as impeccable assistance is the best issue for everybody to choose the method of better wellbeing and proficient administrations. These are the most mindful and helpful proposal for everybody. On certain it takes individuals for the incapacity of learning. Exclusively everybody is choosing as per their own inclination. By one way or another the incapacitate individuals of learning are losing the chance and it is leaving from them. To guarantee the cripple individuals to get the most ideal consideration from steady assistance is required. Not many governments are fretfully working behind the reality of help for the constant government assistance for the nation man and nation. Today, in Wales, administrations and bolster individuals are qualified for incorporate home consideration assist things with loving cleaning and shopping, deficient apparatuses and adjustments to your home, day centre’s to put forth a valiant effort, day care for your youngsters if possibly you or them can't take care of them . Person’s wellbeing is another kind of help which is identified with the Social help and co-appointment. The impact of socialization works is a principle and here and there insulted cause for the accomplishment of psychotherapy and it is the most the most fundamental issue. On certain simply having the emotions that there is somebody to convey andrelyon can help individuals defeats their circumstance and it is more than compelling than some other treatment. Having a more prominent social correspondence framework, regardless of whether family, companions and neighbors make a tremendous of successful circumstance. 1(b) Outline of the strategy for ensuring customers, patients, and partners from hurt This diagram is to assist you with developing, execute and investigation arrangements and procedure for decline the riskof damage to customers, patients and partners. A current strategy has been secured by the agenda of the sharp territory sufficient. The layout should: Examine the way we gauge, the danger of mischief taking into dangers from: †¢ Other customers, patients and partner †¢ Internal issue †¢ Corporal encompasses †¢ the earth of administrations. †¢ The customers, patient and partner themselves, to themselves and to different customers, patient and associate, and to individuals past the framework. Here is the clarification on how customers, patient and partner are energized about the alcove and corner about their security and they will be ensured. Having the rundown of crisis numbers. Making sure about medical aid units are accessible. Train others about medical aid packs Giving the assurance of medical problems, for example, cleanliness and irresistible sickness. Giving sound, sheltered and secured situations for youngsters. Conveying clear strategies and reaction Point out the hour of activity. Exhibiting of endorsement time. Exhibiting the hour of study 1(c) Analyze of the advantage of following an individual focused methodology with clients of wellbeing and social consideration servicesâ This investigation asked what administration clients start from the position Individual focused method of offering help and what's going on with everything gets. It completely perceives the significant relationship jobs and obligations of family Administration clients and offer types of assistance to those in the executives. Open administrations Personalization, legislators, arrangement creators have gotten stylish for suppliers. This examination is a convenient token of the administration clients long, and the structure has been talked about for an individual focused. Will change just Service to the individuals who depend on them are formed this way. 1(d) Explanation of moral predicaments and struggle that may emerge when giving consideration, backing and security to clients of wellbeing and social consideration administrations Once in a while experience circumstances in which laborers care for them extremely conflicting. Care laborers to keep up the authoritative approaches and prosperity of customers constantly, yet in certain circumstances the standards they can't execute it to the fundamental. Moral predicaments are fabricated these sorts of circumstances. In some cases clashes between care laborers and administration user’s perspectives, convictions and societies may emerge. Wellbeing and social consideration administrations could be hampered by the contention and might be influenced by the nature of wellbeing and social consideration. A human grown-up, you reserve the option to take the law in his own choices. Here and there the administration clients are useless as they at times choose to take cover medication. Him to take prescription routinely so as to pick up or return back to his ordinary life, his wellbeing is significant for picking up. Then again, care laborers obey and regard the choice of the customer is compelled to. As a result, care laborers face an ethical quandary. It will not acknowledge the administration client to the support of deal with his obligations as an assistance to clients, albeit a consideration laborer can’t help the administration client. In the event that some customer care staff will be dependable. A customer wouldn't like to take medicine; a consideration specialist can’t constrain him to take drug, and are not constantly ready to spur his customers. Wellbeing and social consideration communities are extremely basic in this sort of situation. They don't do anything an d make it incomprehensible for a customer before them to bite the dust. Taking care of such sort of circumstance is troublesome. Wellbeing and social consideration laborers to fail to help them to simply stand and are firmly against the virtues. Here is another evidence of the ethical issue. As indicated by certain individuals and not heartless protection is finished. Others apply it to the patient experiencing enthusiastic and mental harm when. Assignment 2: 2(a) Implementation of strategies, enactment, guidelines and codes of training that are applicable to claim work in wellbeing and social consideration Care to guarantee the best characteristics of physicalstateand social consideration practice, the achievement of the strategies, laws, guidelines and codes of training in parallelism with national and nearby arrangements and laws to customer of the administration is profound and cardinal. Rules and guidelines must be followed consistently by the consideration workers, so this activity is delicate. It is the training as per the laws and codes, credits are appropriately kept up to guarantee that the administration obligations. Information Protection Act must be checked by the representatives and the customer doesn't reserve any option to uncover any significant data, just the correct individual can entrance to the information under the Data Protection Act. Wellbeing Regulations (COSSH) Control of unsafe material guidelines. It is at exactly that point that the utilization of synthetic compounds and materials, this is ensured by law. Just the correct individual approaches in Agents, cle ansers, and other synthetic components in the rack, washed holders are bolted consistently. Safe spot to storefulmination and other gear, and approaches it is the main obligation. Security precautionary measures are actualized or not must be checked appropriately by the businesses appropriately. Creative mind, Health and Social Care Board is the focal point of the notice signs to stick appropriately. Fire the way, in every case clean and wreckage free, it should be finished by the current staff and workers.Different laws and guidelines, approaches, and will give preparing and addresses are bosses in their work, which is simple and hazard free enough staff on the law and arrangements. 2(b) Local arrangements and methods can be created as per national and approach Requirements The strategy must be clear and basic. Must be anything but difficult to clean and improve the viability of the strategy will be out of the disarray. The strategy should have less daydream. National and neighborhood arrangements are reflected in the social division which should be possible by following the principals. There is wide range of associations, so the arrangement isn't reasonable for each association. Improvement of the nature of care and administration should be change in up and coming future strategies, so they should be adaptable. Approaches mirror the way of life and work simple and agreeable, however in the contrary case the representative wouldn't like to keep the guidelines and guidelines of the workers are extremely inspired by the principles and guidelines to follow. Precisely and consistently need to regulate the approaches and laws. Managers and administrators to audit the laws and strategies, and on the off chance that it is essential, they can update those. 2 (C) The effects of arrangement, enactment, r
Monday, July 27, 2020
How False Memories Are Formed
How False Memories Are Formed Theories Cognitive Psychology Print False Memories and How They Form By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by on January 27, 2020 Image Source / Getty Images More in Theories Cognitive Psychology Behavioral Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology Most of us like to believe that we have a reasonably good memory. Sure, we might forget where we left our car keys once in a while and of course, we have all forgotten someones name, an important phone number, or maybe even the date of our wedding anniversary. But when it comes to remembering the important things, like a cherished childhood event, our memories are accurate and trustworthy, right? While we might liken our memories to a camera, preserving every moment in perfect detail exactly as it happened, the sad fact is that our memories are more like a collage, pieced together sometimes crudely with the occasional embellishment or even outright fabrication. Recent research has helped demonstrate just how fragile human memory can be. We are frighteningly susceptible to errors, and subtle suggestions can trigger false memories. Surprisingly, people with exceptional memories are still susceptible to making things up without even realizing it. In one famous experiment carried out in 1994, memory expert Elizabeth Loftus was able to get 25 percent of her participants to believe a false memory that they were once lost in a shopping mall as a child. Another 2002 study revealed that half of participants could be led to wrongly believe that they had once taken a hot air balloon ride as a child simply by showing them manipulated photo evidence. Most of the time, these false memories are centered on things that are fairly mundane or inconsequential. Simple, everyday events that have few real consequences. But sometimes these false memories can have serious or even devastating consequences. A false memory relayed during criminal testimony might lead to an innocent person being convicted of a crime. Clearly, false memory has the potential to be a serious problem, but why exactly do these incorrect memories form? Take a Deeper Look Into Human Memory Inaccurate Perception Human perception isnt perfect. Sometimes we see things that arent there and miss obvious things that are right in front of us. In many cases, false memories form because the information is not encoded correctly in the first place. For example, a person might witness an accident but not have a clear view of everything that happened. Recounting the events that occurred can be difficult or even impossible since they did not actually witness all of the details. A persons mind might fill in the gaps by forming memories that did not actually occur. Inference In other cases, old memories and experiences compete with newer information. Sometimes it is old memories that interfere or alter our new memories, and in other instances, new information can make it difficult to remember previously stored information. As we are piecing old information back together, there are sometimes holes or gaps in our memory. Our minds try to fill in the missing spaces, often using current knowledge as well as beliefs or expectations. For example, you can probably distinctly remember where you were and what you were doing during the terrorist attacks of 9/11. While you probably feel like your memories of the event are pretty accurate, there is a very strong chance that your recollections have been influenced by subsequent news coverage and stories about the attacks. This newer information might compete with your existing memories of the event or fill in missing bits of information. Emotions If youve ever tried to recall the details of an emotionally-charged event (e.g., an argument, an accident, a medical emergency), you probably realize that emotions can wreak havoc on your memory. Sometimes strong emotions can make an experience more memorable, but they can sometimes lead to mistaken or untrustworthy memories. Researchers have found that people tend to be more likely to remember events connected to strong emotions, but that the details of such memories are often suspect. Retelling important events can also lead to a false belief in the accuracy of the memory. One 2008 study found that negative emotions, in particular, were more likely to lead to the formation of false memories. Other studies have suggested that this false memory effect has less to do with negative emotions and more to do with arousal levels. A 2007 study found that false memories were significantly more frequent during periods of high arousal than during periods of low arousal, regardless of whether the mood was positive, negative, or neutral. Misinformation Sometimes accurate information gets mixed with incorrect information, which then distorts our memories for events. Loftus has been studying false memories since the 1970s and her work has revealed the serious consequences that misinformation can have on memory. In her studies, participants were shown images of a traffic accident. When questioned about the event after seeing the images, the interviewers included leading questions or misleading information. When the participants were later tested on their memory of the accident, those who had been fed misleading information were more likely to have false memories of the event. The serious potential impact of this misinformation effect can be easily seen in the area of criminal justice, where mistakes can literally mean the difference between life and death. Brainerd and Reyna (2005) suggest that false recollections during the interrogation process are the leading cause of false convictions. Misattribution Have you ever mixed up the details of one story with the details of another? For example, while telling a friend about your last vacation you might mistakenly relate an incident that happened on a vacation you took several years ago. This is an example of how misattribution can form false memories. This might involve combining elements of different events into one cohesive story, misremembering where you obtained a particular piece of information, or even recalling imagined events from your childhood and believing that they are real. Fuzzy Tracing When forming a memory, we dont always focus on the nitty-gritty details and instead remember an overall impression of what happened. Fuzzy trace theory suggests that we sometimes make verbatim traces of events and other times make only gist traces. Verbatim traces are based on the real events as they actually happened, while gist traces are centered on our interpretations of events. How does this explain false memories? Sometimes how we interpret information does not accurately reflect what really happened. These biased interpretations of events can lead to false memories of the original events. Final Thoughts While researchers are still learning more about the mechanisms behind how false memories form, it is clear that false memory is something that can happen to virtually anyone. These memories can range from the trivial to the life-altering, from the mundane to the potentially fatal. Nearly two decades of research on memory distortion leaves no doubt that memory can be altered via suggestion, wrote Loftus and Pickerell in a seminal 1995 article. People can be led to remember their past in different ways, and they even can be led to remember entire events that never actually happened to them. When these sorts of distortions occur, people are sometimes confident in their distorted or false memories, and often go on to describe the pseudomemories in substantial detail. These findings shed light on cases in which false memories are fervently heldâ€"as in when people remember things that are biologically or geographically impossible. The Consequences of False Memories
Friday, May 22, 2020
Analysis Of Fahrenheit 451 Guided Reading Questions
Anna Burnett Fahrenheit 451 Guided Reading Questions Part 1: The Hearth and the Salamander 1. As the story opens, what are the forces acting upon the protagonist, Montag, and what other forces help Montag in the recognition of his dilemma? The forces acting upon Montag are the fireman crew, Beatty, and Mildred. Clarisse helped Montag with his dilemma. 2. What is Montag’s dilemma both 1) as he sees it, and 2) as the reader sees it? Montag’s dilemma as he sees it is he is extremely unhappy and discouraged with his wife and job. The dilemma in the way the readers sees it is he is unhappy with his job and his life. 3. What is the significance of Montag seeing his reflection in Clarisse’s eyes? He sees himself from somebody else’s eyes and point of view. 4. Clarisse causes Montag to recall a childhood memory in which a wish was embedded. What is the implication of the memory and the wish? When Montag remembered the candle, he remembered what life was like before he was â€Å"unhappy†. 5. What two observations does Clarisse make about Montag’s conversational mannerisms? Why is this important?(The answer to this may become more obvious when you finish the novel.) The first one is he laughs at everything she said, and he never thought about what or how he was going to answer. 6. Define the word â€Å"peculiar†1) for yourself, and 2) using a second resource. What things do the McClellans do according to 1) your personal definition, and 2) theShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesLine 58 Understanding and Appreciating Individual Differences Important Areas of Self-Awareness 61 Emotional Intelligence 62 Values 65 Ethical Decision Making and Values 72 Cognitive Style 74 Attitudes Toward Change 76 Core Self-Evaluation 79 SKILL ANALYSIS 84 Cases Involving Self-Awareness 84 Communist Prison Camp 84 Computerized Exam 85 Decision Dilemmas 86 SKILL PRACTICE 89 Exercises for Improving Self-Awareness Through Self-Disclosure 89 Through the Looking Glass 89 Diagnosing Managerial CharacteristicsRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesyou when you say Martin Luther King Jr. could have been elected president if he hadn’t been assassinated. Try to discipline yourself to read and answer these sample exercises before looking up the correct answer in the footnote below, and before reading on. You do not need to write out the answer. The exercises are designed to test your understanding of concepts in the material you have just read. If you can answer the Concept Checks, then you will be ready to tackle the more difficult Exercises
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay - 1421 Words
We begin our introduction to Gatsby in a fantasy of mansions and money. However, the film s progression unravels Gatsby’s superficial layer of wealth to reveal a delusional man who has built himself on a futile dream. Together we will explore the religious and sociological views upon Gatsby’s failure as dictated by McLennan (2014) and Islam (2014). I hypothesized that Gatsby s failure arose from his deluded and futile dream of Daisy. Gatsby s failure is that he continues to pursue Daisy, who is unwilling to break her marriage, and forces a confrontation that escalates and eventually ends in his death. This dream, which drives him to his failure, arose from his obsession with Daisy and the American Dream. During Gatsby s life, a social belief existed in the form of the American Dream. The American Dream was a belief held by many that any individual can reach their dream should they choose to work towards it. In most cases, this meant money. However, for Gatsby, it was not enough to simply be wealthy, although he did acquire great wealth, but rather to accommodate Daisy s background of old money. With the American Dream influencing Gatsby, when he met Daisy and fell in love with her, it became his everything to marry her. However, this dream became an illusion because of the reality that she had moved on. He grew a delusion that he could break the Buchanan marriage as he believed that she did not and had never loved Tom. The futility of Gatsby s dream accounts fromShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1393 Words  | 6 PagesF. Scott Fitzgerald was the model of the American image in the nineteen twenties. He had wealth, fame, a beautiful wife, and an adorable daughter; all seemed perfect. Beneath the gilded faà §ade, however, was an author who struggled with domestic and physical difficulties that plagued his personal life and career throughout its short span. This author helped to launch the theme that is so prevalent in his work; the human instinct to yearn for more, into the forefront of American literature, where itRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1343 Words  | 6 PagesHonors English 10 Shugart 18 Decemeber 2014 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald s 1925 novel The Great Gatsby is a tragic love story, a mystery, and a social commentary on American life. The Great Gatsby is about the lives of four wealthy characters observed by the narrator, Nick Carroway. Throughout the novel a mysterious man named Jay Gatsby throws immaculate parties every Saturday night in hope to impress his lost lover, Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby lives in a mansion on West Egg across from DaisyRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1155 Words  | 5 PagesThe Great Gatsby The Jazz Age was an era where everything and anything seemed possible. It started with the beginning of a new age with America coming out of World War I as the most powerful nation in the world (Novel reflections on, 2007). As a result, the nation soon faced a culture-shock of material prosperity during the 1920’s. Also known as the â€Å"roaring twenties†, it was a time where life consisted of prodigality and extravagant parties. Writing based on his personal experiences, author F. ScottRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1166 Words  | 5 Pagesin the Haze F. Scott Fitzgerald lived in a time that was characterized by an unbelievable lack of substance. After the tragedy and horrors of WWI, people were focused on anything that they could that would distract from the emptiness that had swallowed them. Tangible greed tied with extreme materialism left many, by the end of this time period, disenchanted. The usage of the literary theories of both Biographical and Historical lenses provide a unique interpretation of the Great Gatsby centered aroundRead MoreThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald845 Words  | 3 PagesIn F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, colors represent a variety of symbols that relate back to the American Dream. The dream of being pure, innocent and perfect is frequently associated with the reality of corruption, violence, and affairs. Gatsby’s desire for achieving the American Dream is sought for through corruption (Schneider). The American Dream in the 1920s was perceived as a desire of w ealth and social standings. Social class is represented through the East Egg, the WestRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay970 Words  | 4 Pagesrespecting and valuing Fitzgerald work in the twenty-first century? Fitzgerald had a hard time to profiting from his writing, but he was not successful after his first novel. There are three major point of this essay are: the background history of Fitzgerald life, the comparisons between Fitzgerald and the Gatsby from his number one book in America The Great Gatsby, and the Fitzgerald got influences of behind the writing and being a writer. From childhood to adulthood, Fitzgerald faced many good andRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald2099 Words  | 9 Pagesauthor to mirror his life in his book. In his previous novels F. Scott Fitzgerald drew from his life experiences. He said that his next novel, The Great Gatsby, would be different. He said, â€Å"In my new novel I’m thrown directly on purely creative work†(F. Scott Fitzgerald). He did not realize or did not want it to appear that he was taking his own story and intertwining it within his new novel. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, he imitates his lifestyle through the Buchanan family to demonstrateRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1607 Words  | 7 Pages The Great Gatsby is an American novel written in 1925 by F. Scott Fitzgerald. One of the themes of the book is the American Dream. The American Dream is an idea in which Americans believe through hard work they can achieve success and prosperity in the free world. In F. Scott Fitzgerald s novel, The Great Gatsby, the American Dream leads to popularity, extreme jealousy and false happiness. Jay Gatsby’s recent fortune and wealthiness helped him earn a high social position and become one of the mostRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1592 Words  | 7 PagesMcGowan English 11A, Period 4 9 January 2014 The Great Gatsby Individuals who approach life with an optimistic mindset generally have their goals established as their main priority. Driven by ambition, they are determined to fulfill their desires; without reluctance. These strong-minded individuals refuse to be influenced by negative reinforcements, and rely on hope in order to achieve their dreams. As a man of persistence, the wealthy Jay Gatsby continuously strives to reclaim the love of hisRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1646 Words  | 7 PagesThe 1920s witnessed the death of the American Dream, a message immortalized in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Initially, the American Dream represented the outcome of American ideals, that everyone has the freedom and opportunity to achieve their dreams provided they perform honest hard work. During the 1920s, the United States experienced massive economic prosperity making the American Dream seem alive and strong. However, in Fitzgerald’s eyes, the new Am erican culture build around that
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Photosynthesis Rate Free Essays
Photosynthesis Lab Before you begin, save this Lab Report Template on your computer as LastNameAPBIOPhoto Read all the instructions below BEFORE you start! 1. Please go to the following website: http://www. biocourse. We will write a custom essay sample on Photosynthesis Rate or any similar topic only for you Order Now com/mhhe/bcc/domains/biolabs. xsp 2. Scroll down and click on the link to Photosynthesis. It is the 6th one down on the left. 3. Read the instructions for entering the virtual lab. There is background information in the online lab manual that will be helpful in interpreting your results. Please review the steps in the light and dark reactions of Photosynthesis BEFORE or WHILE you are completing this lab simulation. You may want to have your textbook open to refer to while you do the lab. You may also need to use additional sources of information. 4. Remember to cite ALL external sources that you use, using proper MLA style. 5. YOU DO NOT NEED TO ANSWER THE ONLINE QUESTIONS, but you should think about them as you proceed thorough the lab. Note: Lab Instructions start on the next page! Experiment 1: Habitat and Photosynthetic Rates Predict the relative photosynthetic rates of plants from a shaded rainforest floor, a coastal region with moderate light, and a sunny desert: Rainforest Prediction: ____________________________________________ Coast Prediction: ________________________________________________ Desert Prediction: _______________________________________________ a. Continue to the simulation screen and click Clear Data and click the Native Habitat tab b. Select Rainforest floor and then click Graph Data c. Repeat for Coast and Desert. d. Record your results in the Table 4-1, reading the data from the online display e. Graph your data using Create-a-Graph (http://nces. ed. gov/nceskids/graphing/) Results Experiment 1 Data Table 4. 1: Habitat and Photosynthesis at Different Light Intensities Light Intensity (foot-candles)Photosynthesis Rate (mg CO2/g fresh leaf) RainforestCoastDesert 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Analysis Experiment 1 a. How is photosynthetic rate measured? b. Explain why the photosynthetic rate is negative at low levels of light intensity. (HINT: Is there a net uptake or release of CO2 at low light intensity? ) c. Which of the 3 types of plants had the highest photosynthetic and which had the lowest? d. Did this observation agree with your predictions? . Indicate factors that might be associated with the differences in photosynthetic rates in the 3 types of plants. f. At what light intensity level did photosynthetic rate level off? Was this light intensity the same for all plants? g. Explain why the photosynthetic rate levels off. h. Is there a relation between light intensity and leveling off of photosynthetic rates in the different plants? i. Explain how plants become acclimat ed to light levels normally found in their native habitat. Conclusion Experiment 1: Short, testable statement! HINT: Rank the plants from high to low photosynthetic rate) Experiment 2: Light Color and Photosynthetic Rates Predict the relation of carbon dioxide level and photosynthesis rates: Prediction: ____________________________________________ a. Click Clear Data and then the CO2 levels tab b. Select 274 ppm (parts per million) and click Graph Data c. Repeat with 370, 740, and 1000+ ppm CO2 d. Record your results in the Table 4-2, reading the data from the online display e. Graph your data using Create-a-Graph (http://nces. ed. gov/nceskids/graphing/) Results Experiment 2 Data Table 4. 2: CO2 Levels and Photosynthesis at Different Light Intensities Light Intensity (foot-candles)Photosynthesis Rate (mg CO2/g fresh leaf) 274 ppm CO2370 ppm CO2740 ppm CO21000+ ppm CO2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Analysis Experiment 2 a. What is the relation between CO2 levels and photosynthesis rates? b. Indicate where and explain why the photosynthesis rates level off at different levels of light intensity. c. Are CO2 levels a rate-limiting factor? Explain. d. What is a greenhouse gas? e. What is global warming? f. Suggest a possible relation between plant function, greenhouse gases, and global warming. Conclusion for Experiment 2: Short, testable statement! (HINT: Indicate the relation of CO2 levels and photosynthesis rate) Experiment 3 Predict the relation of light color and photosynthesis rates: Prediction: ____________________________________________ a. Continue to the simulation screen and click Clear Data and then the light color tab b. Select white light and click Graph Data c. Repeat with red, blue, green, and yellow light d. Record your results in the Table 4-3, reading the data from the online display e. Graph your data using Create-a-Graph (http://nces. ed. gov/nceskids/graphing/) Results Experiment 3 Data Table 4. 3: Light Color Photosynthesis at Different Light Intensities Light Intensity (foot-candles)Photosynthesis Rate (mg CO2/g fresh leaf) WhiteRedBlueGreenYellow 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Analysis Experiment 3 a. Which light is most effective in driving photosynthesis rate? b. At what light intensity does the photosynthesis rate level off for white light? c. Why does the photosynthesis rate level off for white light but not for the individual colors? d. Which colors, other than white, are associated with the highest photosynthesis rate? With the lowest? e. What colors of light do plant leaves absorb during the growing season? f. What colors of light do plant leaves reflect during the growing season? g. How does chlorophyll interact with accessory pigments to broaden the spectrum of light for photosynthesis? Conclusion Experiment 3: Short, testable statement! (HINT: Rank the colors from high to low photosynthetic rate) Reflection: Statement about what you learned from this lab simulation. (NOTE: The reflection should be AT LEA How to cite Photosynthesis Rate, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Kitchen Essay Example
Kitchen Essay Kitchen By: Banana Yoshimoto Mikage Satsuki Growing up is tough; especially when you are alone and young. It forces you to fend for yourself against the world. Instead of playing with your friends, you spend your time figuring out where your next meal is coming from. Which is a sad and scary truth; few stop to think of these poor souls that get such an unfortunate fate. In Banana Yoshimoto’s Kitchen, the character Mikage undergoes many of changes, but one thing throughout this book that does not change is her love of kitchens. Her parents passed away when she was young and her grandmother raised her. When her grandmother also passed away, she became depressed, listless, and orphaned. In the beginning of the book she is lonely, since none of her blood relatives are still alive. After she moves in with the Tanabes, however, she finds the courage to face life again. She has a strong bond with kitchens; they seem to give her a calming feeling and help to ease her loneliness. Kitchens serve as a comfort for her. Throughout the course of this novel Kitchen, Banana Yoshimoto depicts Mikage as a person of great morals, who loves kitchens, and is incredibly strong-willed. In this novel Mikage appears to be an individualist who keeps her morals intact; her grandparents brought her up to be an accepting, gracious person. Mikage is a person of great temperance, although she is a little touchy about her relationship with Yoichi. She is also courageous for a person who lost her entire family, and, because she doesnt want to get hurt again, she distanced herself from other people. When was it I realized that, on this truly dark and solitary path we all walk, the only way we can light is our own? †(Yoshimoto, pg. 21). Her moral stature is apparent when Yoichi tells her that Eriko is a transgender, and instead of getting upset about it, she accepted it because she feels she can trust them. Her dominant traits are her love of cooking and her love of kitchens. These traits originate when her grandm other passes away; the hum of the refrigerator keeps her from feeling lonely. We will write a custom essay sample on Kitchen specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Kitchen specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Kitchen specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer So each night until she moves in with the Tanabes she curls up beside the refrigerator in her kitchen and goes to sleep. â€Å"Why do I love everything that has to do with kitchens so much? Its strange. Perhaps because to me a kitchen represents some distant longing engraved on my soul†(Yoshimoto, pg. 56). She teaches herself to cook, the summer after her grandmother passed away, at the Tanabes house. She buys three books and studies them, following all the directions in them. Subsequently, she becomes good at cooking and gets the job she has now as an assistant to a famous cooking teacher. Mikage is more of a rational person who knows her limits. At times, she can be emotional, but overall she thinks well on her feet and is a capable person. â€Å"However! I couldnt exist like that. Reality is wonderful. I thought of the money my grandmother had left me-just enough. The place was too big, too expensive, for one person. I had to look for another apartment†(Yoshimoto, pg. 5). Mikage handles change well; she might not like some things but she gets through them. For instance, her grandmother’s death was a great tragedy, but she got through it rationally, and she adapted very well to the Tanabes and their kindness. The author wants readers to know how tough Mikage is. She has had a rough go at life, but she still manages to stay strong; reading about her really appeals to the reader’s sympathetic side. Mikage appears to be a nice girl who has just been unlucky lately. Fortunately, when Yoichi comes into her life, she starts to open up more and realize that she is not alone. He struck just the right note, neither cold nor oppressively kind. It made me warm up to him ;†( Yoshimoto, pg. 11). Another thing about Mikage is that she is a fighter, and readers see that towards the end of the story, she fights for what she wants. At the beginning of this book Mikage is very guarded and lonely, but as the book progresses she becomes less guarded and more open to people who care about her. At the end of the book, Mikage becomes the o ne who comforts Yoichi, when his mom passes away. She becomes the center of his support system.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Seed Lab Report Essays
Seed Lab Report Essays Seed Lab Report Essay Seed Lab Report Essay The pH level of something is its measure of acidity or how basic it is, solutions with a pH of less than 7 are said to be acidic, and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are said to be basic. The tap water that was used to water our beans had a pH of 6. In this lab, we studied the process of germination (the process by which a plant grows from a seed). Certain environmental factors can cause or stop a seeds germination, and these factors include, but are not limited to, the mount of water, the amount of oxygen, the temperature or the amount of light the seed gets. There are steps that vary in germination, what first happens is the seeds radical comes out and then the roots also come out. The next step is the embryonic shoot that includes the seed leaves. The rate of germination depends on the species of plant being grown and its environmental factors. In the experiment, students studied the germination of blue lake bush beans in different pH levels including pH 5, pH 6 (tap water), and pH 8. They recorded the germination percentages and found the average Engel of the radical daily. The independent variable is the different pH levels and the dependent variable is the percent germination. This lab was completed so that the student can see the process of germination and have a better understanding of the concept. The student can also understand how the pH is crucial to the plants survival and how the pH affects the plant. Materials Three plastic cups Paper towels Pipette phi solution phi solution phi (tap water) -control Plastic bags 30 Blue Lake Bush beans Ruler Beaker Graduated cylinder Proceed rest 1 . Select three plastic cups for each of the three groups, one control group of pH 6 tap water and the 2 experimental groups of phi and phi water 2. Put 10 seeds in each of the plastic cups 3. Pour mol of the selected water into the cup with seeds in it. 4. Put label of what group the liquid is on the plastic cup. 5. Make observations of the seeds on day one. 6. On day two get three paper towels, one for each group of seeds. 7. Fold the towels so they will fit in Copilot bags comfortably. 8. Distribute seeds and selected liquid on to the paper towel evenly. 9. Transfer the label of what group the water is from the cup to the Copilot bag. 10. Check for germination of seeds and write percent germination in observations. 1 1 . Write descriptive data in observations 12. Rinse cups, place on drying rack. 13. Put the paper towel with seeds into to Copilot and close it. 14. Clean area and wash hands. 15. Next day check for percent of germination and record data in observations. 16. Change paper towels out for new ones, spread seeds out evenly again on new towels 17. Add correct solution of liquid to new paper towels. 18. Record data of any radical growth in observations.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
What You Need to Know About the US Senate
What You Need to Know About the US Senate The United States Senate is the upper chamber in the legislative branch of the federal government. It is considered to be a more powerful body than the lower chamber, the House of Representatives. The Senate is made up of 100 members called senators. Each state is equally represented two senators, regardless of the state’s population. Unlike members of the House, who represent individual geographic congressional districts within the states, senators represent the entire state. Senators serve rotating six-year terms and are popularly elected by their constituents. The six-year terms are staggered, with about one-third of the seats up for election every two years. The terms are staggered in such a way that both Senate seats from any state are not contested in the same general election, except when necessary to fill a vacancy. Until enactment of the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913, senators were appointed by the state legislatures, rather than being elected by the people. The Senate conducts its legislative business in the north wing of the U.S. Capitol Building, in Washington, D.C. Leading the Senate The Vice President of the United States presides over the Senate and casts the deciding vote in the event of a tie. The Senate leadership also includes president pro tempore who presides in the absence of the vice president, a majority leader who appoints members to lead and serve on various committees, and a minority leader. Both parties - majority and minority- also have a whip who helps marshal senators’ votes along party lines. In presiding over the Senate, the vice president’s powers are limited by strict rules adopted by the Senate centuries ago. While present in the Senate chambers, the vice president is expected to speak only when ruling on parliamentary questions and when reporting the results of the Electoral College vote in presidential elections. On a day-to-day basis, meetings of the Senate are presided over by the president pro tempore of the Senate or, more typically, by a junior Senator designated on a rotating basis. The Powers of the Senate The Senates power derives from more than just its relatively exclusive membership; it also is granted specific powers in the Constitution. In addition to the many powers granted jointly to both houses of Congress, the Constitution enumerates the role of the upper body specifically in Article I, Section 3. While the House of Representatives has the power to recommend impeachment of a sitting president, vice president or other civic officials such as a judge for high crimes and misdemeanors, as written in the Constitution, the Senate is the sole jury once impeachment goes to trial. With a two-thirds majority, the Senate may thus remove an official from office. Two presidents, Andrew Johnson, and Bill Clinton have been tried; both were acquitted. The President of the United States has the power to negotiate treaties and agreements with other nations, but the Senate must ratify them by a two-thirds vote in order to take effect. This isnt the only way the Senate balances the power of the president. All presidential appointees, including Cabinet members, judicial appointees and ambassadors must be confirmed by the Senate, which can call any nominees to testify before it. The Senate also investigates matters of national interest. There have been special investigations of matters ranging from the Vietnam War to organized crime to the Watergate break-in and subsequent cover-up. The More Deliberate Chamber The Senate is commonly the more deliberative of the two chambers of Congress; theoretically, a debate on the floor may go on indefinitely, and some seem to. Senators may filibuster, or delay further action by the body, by debating it at length; the only way to end a filibuster is through a motion of cloture, which requires the vote of 60 senators. The Senate Committee System The Senate, like the House of Representatives, sends bills to committees before bringing them before the full chamber; it also has committees which perform specific non-legislative functions as well. The Senates committees include: agriculture, nutrition, and forestry;appropriations;armed services;banking, housing, and urban affairs;budget;commerce, science, and transportation;energy and natural resources;environment and public works;finance;foreign relations;health, education, labor, and pensions;homeland security and governmental affairs;judiciary;rules and administration;small business and entrepreneurship;and veterans affairs. There are also special committees on aging, ethics, intelligence and Indian affairs; and joint committees with the House of Representatives. The United States Senate Fast Facts The United States Senate is part of the Legislative Branch of government and is made up of 100 members called â€Å"Senators.†Each State is represented by two Senators elected statewide, rather than by voting districts.Senators serve an unlimited number of six-year terms, staggered in a way to prevent both Senators representing a particular state from being up for reelection at the same time.The Senate is presided over by the Vice President of the United States, who as â€Å"president of the Senate,†is allowed to vote on legislation in the event of a tie vote.Along with its own exclusive powers, the Senate shares many of the same constitutional powers granted to the House of Representatives. Phaedra Trethan is a freelance writer who also works as a copy editor for the Camden Courier-Post. She formerly worked for the Philadelphia Inquirer, where she wrote about books, religion, sports, music, films, and restaurants. Updated by Robert Longley
Sunday, February 16, 2020
London transport in decline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
London transport in decline - Essay Example nd provides travel tips, downloadable maps for all modes of transport and information about where and how to get various kinds of travel tickets/passes. First time visitors better study all the possible modes of transport and plan the itinerary carefully before starting to explore the enchanting beauty of the city†(The London Transport System, 2010). During the peak hours, that is between 9.00 and 10.30 a.m. and 4.00 and 5.30 pm, the traffic could be daunting as these are the rush hours and people travel to and from during these hours. Other than these timings, traveling is relatively peaceful and enjoyable during rest of the day. Traveling in London can get to the nerves when it slows down in certain places because of traffic congestion. But traffic congestion allows one to enjoy the sights even more. London has its share of stately buildings and parks. There is also the mighty river, Thames, flowing through the city. It is not for nothing that over 14 percent of the population in the United Kingdom lives in London. However, the high population and business life in London has frayed the traveling system in London. Almost around the year, there is some repair or modification work at an Underground site that slows down travel by Underground rails. â€Å"Travel experts feel that the underground is showing its age, resulting in frequent delays, escalators going out of action and some stations being closed for repairs, especially during weekends. Though crime is not rampant, tourists are advised to avoid empty carriages, especially in the late hours. Smoking is prohibited both at the station and on the carriage. Tickets can be purchased at the station before entering the tube†(The London Transport System, 2010). â€Å"The London Underground is Europes largest metro subway system and is the worlds oldest underground system. It was inaugurated in 1863. It covers 253 miles of track and transports 976 million people yearly. The Underground is also connected to a
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Animal testing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Animal testing - Essay Example According to Matthew Scully in his work ‘Dominion’, it is clearly shown that people should employ the principles of mercy on all living things. This principle gives guidelines on why and how humans should not at any point inflict pain or suffering on them except for protection. This is because animals and humans cannot be compared because the animals are unequal and powerless when compared to men. For this reason, they should be treated with kindness and avoid inflicting pain on them. According to science, human beings evolved from other animals and should not claim to have dominion over them. It is not right because evolution forces have it clearly indicated that people lack an innate-historical claim to dominion. Therefore, the history of human beings cannot be considered innately superior since all humans evolved from different animals. In addition, it is essential to realize that animals have their lives that are independent and should not be used as servants of
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Portion Control for Weight Management
Portion Control for Weight Management Netan Bhardwaj Lifestyle, social status and frame of mind all depend on your health thus everybody wants a perfect physical appearance, which may vary based on gender and age, and the way people see it is by attaining an ideal weight. But every challenge comes with obstacles e.g. lack of knowledge, resources and many other factors, due to that fact obesity and weight management have become enormous problem amongst individuals of all ages. To a certain extent minor weight loss can alter ones path of life. Whether it’s living life to the fullest or being overweight holding you down. And everyone that is overweight or obese is always looking for the â€Å"easy way out†to lose weight by not doing any exercise and eating anything they please. So can weight reduction really occur without any medications, surgery, or even extensive exercise? To begin with, people who are obese tend to be uneducated about effects of obesity, nutrition, and portion control. Now knowing about the major risk that obesity brings is a major issue such as 29% of all deaths in Canada are because of obesity, where females are at a higher risk of dying than males, and learning about these risks can be an eye opener for some and life changer for others. Obesity causes or is closely linked with a large number of health conditions like heart disease, stroke, diabetes are just to name a few and as many as 11 types of cancer, including leukemia, colon, breast cancer [WHO. 2014]. Not just that but obesity also comes with social and emotional effects including discrimination, lower wages, lower Quality of life and people being effected by obesity are more likely susceptible to depression. The type of diet you eat can have a major impact on your weight i.e. eating a high energy/calorie dense meal (coffee and a doughnut) can cause overeating whereas eating multiple low energy/calorie meals (juice, a piece of toast, and scrambled eggs) can provide an provide array of healthy choices by incorporating more food consumption but less calorie intake and also it can help with optimum weight management. For instance [Rolls. 2014] compiled three systematic studies on various individuals and this is what was conducted. The first trial involved overweight men and overweight women, they were given isocaloric portions of either high or low dense food to be eaten daily into a reduced energy diet for two months and one year later the group that was given low energy dense soup saw a 50% more reduction then the other control group. The second trial only obese women were tested and they were split into two groups. One grope was counseled to portion control and eat more water rich foods (fruits, vegetables) and the other group was asked to eat limited portions (fats and everything else). After a year the group that was told to eat more water rich foods lost 23% more weight, had a reduction in hunger and felt greater gratification. In the final trial, participants from trial one and trial two were monitored for six months. It was found that individuals who eat a low energy diet lost more than 50% of weight and eat 300grams more than the high energy diet group. From these trial it can be concluded that for weight management to occur simply saying â€Å"eat less†is not the best approach to reducing the amount of intake. Therefore large portions of low energy dense foods can be used strategically to encourage their lower consumption and caloric intake. If people lowered the density of energy in their diet, they can eat pleasurable portions while managing as well as maintaining their body weight [Rolls. 2014]. Also through these trials it can be said that a variety of portion control methods can be applied, eating less high energy meals or eating more low energy foods, for exemplary portion management leading to a lower chance of weight gain. Obesity has become a significant problem, it causes more deaths the being underweight, across many regions of multiple countries. Obesity has become such a high risk factor that even minimal weight loss of 5 to 10% seems to be enough to provide a clinically significant health benefit and reduce the risk of death, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and many other [Lagerros. 2013]. But there are limitations to weight loss i.e. physical disabilities, the quality of produce at a supermarket, cultural acceptance (being fat or over weight considered good, shows how healthy you are), neighborhood accessibility (neighborhood around the world tend not to have any sidewalks thus making it difficult for individuals of all ages to be healthy) as well as neighborhood safety (Places where criminal activity is high, People are less likely to leave their residence) and other resources. All these aspects play a tremendous role in weight reduction and or weight management. A study done by [Amanda Reichards et al. 2014] about adults with physical disabilities with a BMI of >25%. So these individuals were randomized into two weight management approaches. One of these was My plate diet (consists of a meal with fruits, vegetables, protein and dairy all in one plate) and the other was Stoplight diet (foods are based on the light consisted in traffic lights such as vegetables/fruits are green, potatoes/ cheese are yellow and fat foods are red) supplemented with portion controlled meals for 6 months. There were 126 enrollees and of those 70% of them completed initial 6 months and 60% of the 70% completed a follow up phase. The Stoplight diet group reduced weight during initial 6 month and lost more weight during the follow up phase whereas the My plate diet group only lost weight during the initial 6 months from the studies done by Amanda Reichards and her colleagues it can be stated that by using portion control, barriers can be overcome for individuals that are overweight and have physical mobility impairments. Consumers are uncovered to many pieces of data such as the media, commercials and promotions. The comparison between two merchandises that are similar in prices or completely buying a product for the first time, â€Å"58% of the consumers said that they used product labels†[Wills et al2009].Furthermore, Canadians believe that labels are the most important way to get nutritional data. â€Å"This source is then shadowed by various forms of media, friends and family, electronic media channels and lastly family physicians or other professionals â€Å"[Willset al.2009]. It is notable that family physicians/medical professionals seem to play such a minimal role in general information. In the past, significant findings have been conducted by researchers to help modern scientist. Lexis, L (2004) conducted multiple studies where 38% of the people’s portions were controlled and the others weren’t. The research shows that 5% of the 38% examined saw a weight reduction from their baseline weight whereas the other control group saw a 5% weight gain from their base line. She also did a study on Elevated waist/hip on men and women this a body mass index (BMI) greater the 27. Being overweight comes at a cost and its â€Å"$656 higher annual medical care costs, and the IV results indicate that obesity raises annual medical costs by $2741 in 2005 dollars.†[Cawley J. 2012]. â€Å"More than 2 in 3 adults are considered to be overweight or obese. More than 0.33% adults are considered to be obese. More than 0.05 adults in North America are considered to have extreme obesity. About 0.33%of children and adolescents from ages 6 to 19 are considered to be overwe ight or obese. More than 16% of children and adolescents from the ages of 6 to 19 are considered to be obese†National Health and Nutrition (2010). â€Å"Obesity can occur one pound at a time. Just like obesity so does prevention. †[National Institutes of Health. 2013] these are just some facts about obesity that can be prevented by portion control. Solutions. Are there any? With so many problem and hardly any solutions. Here are a couple of solutions that can help with implicating portion control, first would be liquid meal replacement (shakes) can be a very useful technique there were small experiments designed to makes many of the studies on the effectiveness of meal replacements were tough to interpret as few were intended to regulate whether meal replacements are closely linked with greater weight reduction than a self-selected consumption of regular foods. They also found that there is a relationship between the intakes of meal replacements in exchange of regular meals in the framework of energy controlled diets and decline in body weight. The second method would be tax increasing and front back trafficking. Increasing the tax on unhealthy food could be a substantial answer to many problems, the Danish government has put a 25% tax on unhealthy foods (sweet based) such as ice cream chocolate and many others and beverages. T hey also banned the use of Trans-fatty acid (increases coronary heart cancer) leading companies to use a different method of production and provide a better fat quality product. There is also Front of Pack traffic light nutrition labeling (this is when the nutritional label is put in the front and the product is labelled as a colour that indicated the type of product which is stated earlier in this paper). There was a randomized-controlled study was conducted to determine different food label formats on consumers’ product choices, the study established that traffic light labels had the most influential on consumers, compared to other methods. Even with time constraint consumers the traffic light labels and logos were more effective and efficient rather than the ordinary label furthermore the likelihood of healthy choices had increased moreover with unlabeled food it is more difficult to classify as whether it’s healthy or unhealthy [Borgmeier and Westenhoefer, 2009]. By making such a major impact, neighboring countries are putting an emphasis on disease deduction methods as well. The third method is Pre-portioned foods it is an alternative approach to liquid meal plan it is a pre-packaged single meal /snack which is bound to reduce weight also temporary studies have found that solid meal substitutes (bars) caused the tendency to feel more full than isocaloric liquid meal substitutes (shakes) [ Tieken et al. 2007]. In an 18-month study conducted by [Wing et al. 1996] where contributors were allocated to one of the four groups: a usual behavioral treatment was given, a behavioral treatment accompanied with financial encouragement for weight reduction, food source, or a combination of food establishment and motivations. The food that was provided to the individuals consisted of pre-portioned conventional foods suitable for five breakfasts and five suppers each week for 18 months. The quantity of weight reduction in the two groups, provided with sufficient food, was significantly superior to the other groups at 6, 12 and 18 months [Wing et al. 1996]. Also in another study, patients were given either a prepackaged, nutritionally complete, organised meal, plan that provided almost all of their diet and the other group was given a macronutrient equivalent usual-care diet. The prepackaged meal was designed to sustain long-term weight loss. This was proven at 1 year when the first group lost 5.8 kilograms while the other group only lost 1.7 kilograms loss [Metz et al. 2000]. A certain study, sought to separate the properties of the portion-controlled diets from other mechanisms of the weight reduction intervention by keeping the additional variables similar across the two study groups. The pre-portioned food group was provided with three starters and one snack daily, which they could substitute with conventional foods by the rules of their program. After 6 months, the pre-portioned food group lost 7.3kg whereas the control group only lost [Foster et al. 2013]. The take away message from these studies is that Portioned food can cause a substantial difference between casual meals in terms of weight reduction thus allowing a greater consumption of food and loss in weight. Another solution is by regulating the advertisements that are shown to adolescents. This will cause children to be less attracted to food which can lead them to gain weight. In Sweden, Norway and Quebec the government has restricted television advertisements for children. More specifically , the Swedish Radio and Television act does not grant commercial television advertisement that is intended to attract or gain the attention of children who are under the age of 12. However, most countries tend not to revise advertisements, to make sure they are meant for children. A comparison of food advertising in 13 countries in different parts of the world, found that children who were watching more than 2 hours would be exposed to between 28 and 84 food advertisements per day [Lagerros. 2013]. Weight management/reduction has been a major problem for decades now. Obesity is something that is increasingly on the rise today and will continue to rise unless we do something about it, food is being pushed on television all the time. Corrupting minds to eat calorie dense food but there is a way to fix that by informing people of how bad it really is and encouraging people to live a health-enhancing lifestyle. The solution is as simple as eating a portioned diet and making it a lifelong diet. Some fat is essential for the body. It uses it for various implications such as heat, padding, insulation, and stored energy. Eating healthy and keeping active is all a part of a lifelong daily routine No diet should be promoted as being a temporary eating plan, but rather a permanent plan for healthy eating and living. References Borgmeier I., Westenhoefer J. (2009)Impact of different food label formats on healthiness evaluation and food choice of consumers: a randomized-controlled study.BMC Public Health9: 184. Cawley, J., Meyerhoefer, C. (2012). The medical care costs of obesity: An instrumental variables approach. J Health Econ. Ello-Martin, J., H Ledikwe, J., Rolls, B. (2005). The Influence of Food Portion Size and Energy Density on Energy Intake: Implications for Weight Management. Foster GD, Wadden TA, Lagrotte CA, Vander Veur SS, Hesson LA, Homko CJ, et al.(2013) A randomized comparison of a commercially available portion-controlled weight-loss intervention with a diabetes self-management education program,Nutr Diabetes, 3:e63. Lagerros, Y., Rà ¶ssner, S. (2013). Obesity management: What brings success? Therap Adv Gastroenterol, 6(1), 77–88. Rolls, B. (2012). Dietary strategies for weight management. Nestlà © Nutrition Institute Workshop (2012), 73, 37-48. Rolls, B. (2014). What is the role of portion control in weight management? International Journal of Obesity (2005). Metz JA, Stern JS, Kris-Etherton P, Reusser ME, Morris CD, Hatton DC, et al.(2000) A randomized trial of improved weight loss with a prepared meal plan in overweight and obese patients: impact on cardiovascular risk reduction, Arch Intern Med, 160:2150–2158 National Institues of Health. (2012). Overweight and Obesity Statistics. Weight-control Information Network. Reichard, A., D. Saunders, M., R. Saunders, R., Ptomey, L. (2014). A comparison of two weight management programs for adults with mobility impairments, Disability and Health Journal. Tieken SM, Leidy HJ, Stull AJ, Mattes RD, Schuster RA, Campbell WW. (2007). Effects of solid versus liquid meal-replacement products of similar energy content on hunger, satiety, and appetite-regulating hormones in older adults,Horm Metab Res, 39:389–394 Wing RR, Jeffery RW, Burton LR, Thorson C, Nissinoff KS, Baxter JE. (1996). Food provision vs structured meal plans in the behavioral treatment of obesity.Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord.;20:56–62 Wills J., Schmidt D., Pillo-Blocka F., Cairns G. (2009)Exploring global consumer attitudes toward nutrition information on food labels.Nutr Rev67(Suppl. 1): S102–S106Frenk, D. (2012, May 1). Obesity Consequences. Retrieved October 22, 2014, from http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/obesity-prevention-source/obesity-consequences/ Obesity and overweight. (2014, August 1). Retrieved October 22, 2014, from http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs311/en/ Statistics Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2014, from http://www.heartandstroke.com/site/c.ikIQLcMWJtE/b.3483991/k.34A8/Statistics.htm
Friday, January 17, 2020
Outcomes of Prosthodontic Management Essay
Speech is the coordinated function of the vocal tract includes respiratory, phonatory, resonatory and articulatory systems. Hindrance to any of these systems results in speech disorders. Cleft lip and palate (CLP) is one such congenital disorder leading to speech disorder. The abnormal speech of these individuals with cleft lip and palate can be analyzed interms of acoustical, perceptual and physiological measurements. The speech of individuals with cleft palate is primarily characterized by abnormalities in nasal resonance. This is a direct result of unoperated cleft / fistula and or velopharyngeal dysfunction. The individuals with velopharyngeal dysfunction cannot either adequately or consistently close the velopharyngeal port during speech leading to nasal escape of sound energy. In addition, there may be articulatory errors, including compensatory articulations and reduced voice quality resulting in poor speech intelligibility (McWilliams, Morris & Shelton, 1990; Kuehn & Moller, 2000; Kummer, 2001; Peterson-Falzone, Hardin-Jones & Karnell, 2001; Bzoch, 2004). Nasal resonance increases and is perceived as hypernasality if the durations of the velopharyngeal opening and closing movements in relation to the opening and closing of the oral cavity become prolonged. Many investigators have showed that certain timing measures reflecting the movements of speech articulators are related to the degree of oral-nasal resonance imbalance in individuals with cleft palate with or without cleft lip (Warren et al. , 1985; Jones, 2000; Dotevall et al. 2001, 2002; Ha et al. , 2004). Jones (2000) opined that excessive perceived nasalization could result from a mistiming of velopharyngeal movements, relative to voice onset and offset. Few studies (Ha, Sim, Zhi, & Kuehn, 2003; Ha, David, & Kuehn, 2010) concluded that individuals with cleft palate exhibit longer acoustic nasalization than normal speakers and also temporal measures of their speech are positively correlated with the perceived hypernasality. Hence they concluded that acoustic measures of temporal characteristics of speech can provide supplementary diagnostic information in relation to the degree of hypernasality. Hoopes, (1970) demonstrated that speed of velar movement during speech was slower for individuals with cleft palate than normal subjects. Forner (1983) observed some difficulty with normal rate and range of movement and interarticulatory timing based on the results of significantly longer than normal speech segment durations. The rehabilitation of individuals born with cleft lip and palate and related craniofacial anomalies require coordination of plastic surgery, prosthetic intervention and behavioral therapy. A multidisciplinary approach is essential to achieve optimum results. To permit development of normal speech patterns, habilitation of these individuals should be considered surgically or prosthetically as early as possible (Riski, 1979; Dorf & Curtin, 1982; Witzel et al. , 1984). Definitive prosthodontic treatment is usually one of the final therapies instituted and it must attempt to alleviate any anatomical and functional deficiencies that may remain after the gamut of other treatment is essentially completed. The concept of using speech prosthesis was introduced as early as 1860 in treating velopharyngeal dysfunction in clients with cleft lip and palate (Mc Grath and Anderson 1991) and has since been adopted by others (Leeper et al. 1996). The use of speech bulb obturator in the treatment of hypernasality became less popular in the 19th century, but was revived in the 20th century. This was partly due to the development of techniques that permitted direct visualization of the velopharyngeal mechanism and advances in the surgical procedures. A prosthetic device palatal lift can be suggested for the persons in whom adequate tissue is present but poor control of coordination and timing of velopharyngeal (VP) movements are observed. The palatal lift aims to lift the soft palate in a posterior and superior direction through the use of acrylic additions on the back of a dental appliance. It is used to prosthetically create a normal VP closure for speech development until the surgical repair can be performed. Hence this can assist for the better velopharyngeal closure by improving the oral – nasal coupling. The velopharyngeal closure dynamics can be studied using acoustic analysis of the speech, along with the perceptual evaluation. Acoustic analysis offers the opportunity to observe the speech patterns resulting from simultaneous and sequential interactions of phonation, resonation and articulation as these occur in real time speech production. Spectrographic data have been used frequently to study cleft palate speech (Horii, 1980). McGrath and Anderson (1990) reported a review of the outcome management of 200 individuals with cleft palate and found that 95% were able to eliminate both hypernasality and nasal emission distortions in speech through prosthetic management. Jian Ningyi & Guilan (2002) investigated the effect of a temporary obturator to treat VPD and found that velopharyngeal closure can be greatly improved by using a temporary oral prosthesis and speech training. Most of these studies have used obturator or speech bulb in individuals with cleft palate, and very few studies included speech training along with the prosthetic management and shows positive results. There are dearths of studies using palatal lift in persons with submucous cleft palate along with the speech therapy. The present study is a part of the longitudinal study which is aimed to determine the effect of palatal lift prosthesis on temporal parameters of speech and correlating with the physiological findings. The aims of the study are three fold. First, is to compare the temporal parameters of nasalization and nasalence values with the normal subjects. Second, is to investigate the temporal parameters of nasalization and nasalance values without prosthesis, with prosthesis and after undergoing 10 sessions of speech therapy. Third, is to investigate the velopharyngeal closure with and without prosthesis using nasoendoscopy.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Perpetuation of a Sadistic Society Analysis of...
Prisons and Pens: The Perpetuation of A Sadistic Society On the surface, Kurt Vonneguts novel Slaughterhouse-Five and Michael Pollans The Omnivores Dilemma share little in common. The former is a novel about the Second World War, addressing themes like post-traumatic stress disorder and the senselessness of war. The latter is a non-fiction treatise on agro-business, addressing themes like public health, food security, and the morality of killing animals. A deeper probing reveals striking similarities between these disparate works. Vonnegut and Pollan both do address slaughterhouses; although Vonnegut does so as a symbol and motif rather than as an actual working part of the meat industry as Pollan does. Both Vonnegut and Pollan discuss the slaughterhouse from the perspective of ethics, showing how the imprisonment of sentient beings at any time and for any reason presents moral problems. Finally, both Vonnegut and Pollan present their arguments within the broader context of social and political corruption. Imprisonment is presented as an i nevitable product of a deeply conflicted, sadistic, and hypocritical society, in which violence serves to perpetuate political hegemony. Pollans The Omnivores Dilemma encompasses a wide range of political, social, and economic issues related to the agricultural and food production industries. The author presents food within the broader context of power structure, touching on basic sociological issues. Likewise, Kurt Vonnegut
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman...
Double-consciousness in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Double-consciousness this sense of always looking at one s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity (Dubois, 8). W.E.B. Du Bois had a perfect definition of double-consciousness. The action of viewing one s self through the eyes of others and measuring one s soul. Looking at all of the thoughts good or bad coming from others. This is present in the main character of the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie. The Absolutely True Diary is about a boy named Junior that is fourteen years old and living on the Spokane Reservation. Junior was born with too†¦show more content†¦Junior experiences the concept of double-consciousness in this scene of the book, because he looks at his image. For example, the size of his head or the size of his feet, characteristics that people on the reservation see when they look at him. Another example of double-consciousness based on on e s look is towards the middle of the book where Junior expresses a more racial feeling of double-consciousness. Junior states, They call me an apple because they think I m red on the outside and white on the inside (Alexie,131). This is an example of double-consciousness in Junior, because Junior states in another part of the book, I felt like two people inside of one body (61). These two quotes relate making this double-consciousness, because Junior has heard what people on the reservation say about him and he himself believes it. This simple sense of double-consciousness is however not the same as what Junior expresses later in the book. In the Absolutely True Diary Junior expresses great growth in his view of himself and who he is, because he sees that he is not just someone who belongs to one group, but someone of many groups. This is conveyed, because Junior states, I that, sure, I was a Spokane Indian. I belonged to that tribe. But I also belonged to the tribe of American immigrants. And to the tribe of basketball players. And to the tribe of bookworms. And the tribe of cartoonists. And the tribe of chronic masturbators. And the tribe of teenage boys.Show MoreRelatedThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian, By Sherman Alexie1391 Words  | 6 Pagesthat go along with living on an Indian reservation, this statistic may appear slightly more alarming. The effects of growing up on a reservation is a commonly overlooked topic that many don’t give a second glance. Unfortunately, there are issues that should be seen by the common person and with the knowledge of these issues, can possibly alter a person outlook on reservations in the US. In the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, the author sheds light on theRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of The Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie2068 Words  | 9 Pagesviolence, and judgements of inappropriate behavior based on the age of the reader. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is one of those books, and in the opinions of many the novel actually consists of nearly all of these reasons why most books are banned. The book is actually one, if not the most, challenged book in the United States. Sherman Alexie s 2007 novel The Absolutely True Diary of the Part-Time Indian is considered a controversial novel because of it s demeaning references to alcoholismRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1136 Words  | 5 PagesCritical analysis of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, investigates the hidden facts about Indians. Alexie displays amiability, sorrow, and reality through his primary character, Junior, to influence the reader to comprehend how much the Native Americans are suffering. In present-day society, desperate Indians that reside in these reservations endure incurable poverty that keeps on prevailing. This dim world loadedRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1277 Words  | 6 PagesEveryone is unique. All of these attributes can affect relationships. The novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, and modern sources explore how mental and physical attributes affect friendship quality. Both authors show how, often, same-race friendships form tighter bonds. In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian best friends Junior and Rowdy are both Spokane Indians who are fighting throughout the novel. They experienced their culture together and stayedRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1131 Words  | 5 PagesMufeez Amjad Ms. Habib ENG 2DG-40 December 4th, 2015 Identity Crisis in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Almost all teens experience some sort of an identity crisis. They struggle with finding a clearer sense of themselves. Arnold Spirit Jr., a 14-year-old reservation Indian, faces an identity crisis when he leaves his reservation to go to school in Reardan, a town inhibited by white people. To begin, Arnold moves between different settings, and when he does, there is a change in hisRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian `` By Sherman Alexie1001 Words  | 5 Pageswith Azerbaijan. Furthermore the poor economy and inflation destroyed numerous people hopes and future. In the novel, â€Å"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian†, by Sherman Alexie, Arnold Spirit is also known as Junior describes his life challenges of poverty living on Spokane reservation. Like Arnold, as I begin to compare him going through hardship and finding out true place in the world, I often find similarities in living in poverty with large effect of hunger and education. To begin withRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1255 Words  | 6 Pagesmanaged to make it through all of that death and change. I made a list of the people who had given me the most joy in my life.’†(Alexie 176). Throughout the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, the main character Junior Spirit is torn between the two worlds of Native Americans and White people. This denied him of finding a true identity in which humans sought after through William Glasser’s 5 Basic Needs Theory, which states that a human’s identity is affectedRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1974 Words  | 8 PagesUnited States, but we can see that this problem still exists. In the book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Arnold Spirit has been a victim of racism in his school. Arnold wants to get a better education and in order to do that, he would have to go to a white school where he would face discrimination. In the novel â€Å"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian†Sherman Alexie has given us a story of an Indian boy who exemplifies the overcoming of everyday systematic racism. He has shownRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie Essay1757 Words  | 8 Pages Sherman Alexie is an award-winning author who wrote the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. The book is a semi-autobiography of Alexie’s life and his experience growing up on an Indian Reservation, as well as a more economically well-off school, where he was the only Native American student. The book gives readers the opportunity to get an idea of what life is like living on an impoverished reservation. It depicts the struggles of young Arnold Spirit Jr., or Junior, as he isRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie852 Words  | 4 Pages A World of Beliefs In the world many people have, don’t have, or think they have hope. Hope is many different things. In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, many people have hope and many people think they don’t have hope. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is about a boy named Junior and how he finds his way in the world and how he builds his own path to find hope. He ends up going to a school outside the Reservation where he tries to find a balance The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman... The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie is about how Junior, an Indian boy, set himself up for a better future. His teacher tells him that he should leave the reservation, so Junior switches to a mostly white school called Reardan. There, he trys out for the basketball team which changes his life. The books is all about how Junior gets himself on a better path and follows his dreams. As Junior tells this story there are many maxims sprinkled in. A maxim is a principle, rule, or basic truth about life. This essay is about the three maxims that spoke to me the most and how I can relate to them. â€Å"It can happen that way. One play can determine the course of a game. One play can change your momentum forever†(p.194).†¦show more content†¦Making varsity changed his life and his view of himself. Junior following his dreams teaches the reader that even if you don’t see it in the moment, one thing can change your life and identity. I’ve had many moments that I didn’t know would change my life, but they ended up impacting me in a big way. One moment was when I applied for kindergarten at my old school. I was only three, so I had no idea how important that time would be. I ended up on the waiting list, but I got in. That school had a huge influence on me. I loved going there. I made many friends that I will have forever, and I learned so much. I had no idea that school would mean so much to me, but looking back on it, it was a huge part of my childhood. Another time was when I interviewed to get into Park. Being accepted to Park and choosing to go to this school took me on a completely different path than if I had gone somewhere else. Right now, I’m in the process of applying to high schools. I don’t know what will happen, but one moment can change everything. In the future I’m also going to have to apply to colleges. There are also other moments that changed my life. An example is when my mom signed me up for gymnastics. I didn’t know I would like it so much, but now I love it. This has had an impact on my identity and the the schools I’ve attended have too. I’m still young, so I’m going to have many times that will change my life and identity in theShow MoreRelatedThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian, By Sherman Alexie1391 Words  | 6 Pagesthat go along with living on an Indian reservation, this statistic may appear slightly more alarming. The effects of growing up on a reservation is a commonly overlooked topic that many don’t give a second glan ce. Unfortunately, there are issues that should be seen by the common person and with the knowledge of these issues, can possibly alter a person outlook on reservations in the US. In the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, the author sheds light on theRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie895 Words  | 4 PagesDouble-consciousness in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Double-consciousness this sense of always looking at one s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity (Dubois, 8). W.E.B. Du Bois had a perfect definition of double-consciousness. The action of viewing one s self through the eyes of others and measuring one s soul. Looking at all of the thoughts good or bad coming from others. This is presentRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of The Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie2068 Words  | 9 Pagesviolence, and judgements of inappropriate behavior based on the age of the reader. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is one of those books, and in the opinions of many the novel actually consists of nearly all of these reasons why most books are banned. The book is actually one, if not the most, challenged book in the United States. Sherman Alexie s 2007 novel The Absolutely True Diary of the Part-Time Indian is considered a controversial novel because of it s demeaning references to alcoholismRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1136 Words  | 5 PagesCritical analysis of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, investigates the hidden facts about Indians. Alexie displays amiability, sorrow, and reality through his primary character, Junior, to influence the reader to comprehend how much the Native Americans are suffering. In present-day society, desperate Indians that reside in these reservations endure incurable poverty that keeps on prevailing. This dim world loadedRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1277 Words  | 6 PagesEveryone is unique. All of these attributes can affect relationships. The novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, and modern sources explore how mental and physical attributes affect friendship quality. Both authors show how, often, same-race friendships form tighter bonds. In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian best friends Junior and Rowdy are both Spokane Indians who are fighting throughout the novel. They experienced their culture together and stayedRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1131 Words  | 5 PagesMufeez Amjad Ms. Habib ENG 2DG-40 December 4th, 2015 Identity Crisis in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Almost all teens experience some sort of an identity crisis. They struggle with finding a clearer sense of themselves. Arnold Spirit Jr., a 14-year-old reservation Indian, faces an identity crisis when he leaves his reservation to go to school in Reardan, a town inhibited by white people. To begin, Arnold moves between different settings, and when he does, there is a change in hisRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian `` By Sherman Alexie1001 Words  | 5 Pageswith Azerbaijan. Furthermore the poor economy and inflation destroyed numerous people hopes and future. In the novel, â€Å"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian†, by Sherman Alexie, Arnold Spirit is also known as Junior describes his life challenges of poverty living on Spokane reservation. Like Arnold, as I begin to compare him going through hardship and finding out true place in the world, I often find similarities in living in poverty with large effect of hunger and education. To begin withRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1255 Words  | 6 Pagesmanaged to make it through all of that death and change. I made a list of the people who had given me the most joy in my life.’†(Alexie 176). Throughout the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, the main character Junior Spirit is torn between the two worlds of Native Americans and White people. This denied him of finding a true identity in which humans sought after through William Glasser’s 5 Basic Needs Theory, which states that a human’s identity is affectedRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1974 Words  | 8 PagesUnited States, but we can see that this problem still exists. In the book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Arnold Spirit has been a victim of racism in his school. Arnold wants to get a better education and in order to do that, he would have to go to a white school where he would face discrimination. In the novel â€Å"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian†Sherman Alexie has given us a story of an Indian boy who exemplifies the overcoming of everyday systematic racism. He has shownRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie Essay1757 Words  | 8 Pages Sherman Alexie is an award-winning author who wrote the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. The book is a semi-autobiography of Alexie’s life and his experience growing up on an Indian Reservation, as well as a more economically well-off school, where he was the only Native American student. The book gives readers the opportunity to get an idea of what life is like living on an impoverished reservation. It depicts the struggles of young Arnold Spirit Jr., or Junior, as he is
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