Saturday, January 25, 2020
Portion Control for Weight Management
Portion Control for Weight Management Netan Bhardwaj Lifestyle, social status and frame of mind all depend on your health thus everybody wants a perfect physical appearance, which may vary based on gender and age, and the way people see it is by attaining an ideal weight. But every challenge comes with obstacles e.g. lack of knowledge, resources and many other factors, due to that fact obesity and weight management have become enormous problem amongst individuals of all ages. To a certain extent minor weight loss can alter ones path of life. Whether it’s living life to the fullest or being overweight holding you down. And everyone that is overweight or obese is always looking for the â€Å"easy way out†to lose weight by not doing any exercise and eating anything they please. So can weight reduction really occur without any medications, surgery, or even extensive exercise? To begin with, people who are obese tend to be uneducated about effects of obesity, nutrition, and portion control. Now knowing about the major risk that obesity brings is a major issue such as 29% of all deaths in Canada are because of obesity, where females are at a higher risk of dying than males, and learning about these risks can be an eye opener for some and life changer for others. Obesity causes or is closely linked with a large number of health conditions like heart disease, stroke, diabetes are just to name a few and as many as 11 types of cancer, including leukemia, colon, breast cancer [WHO. 2014]. Not just that but obesity also comes with social and emotional effects including discrimination, lower wages, lower Quality of life and people being effected by obesity are more likely susceptible to depression. The type of diet you eat can have a major impact on your weight i.e. eating a high energy/calorie dense meal (coffee and a doughnut) can cause overeating whereas eating multiple low energy/calorie meals (juice, a piece of toast, and scrambled eggs) can provide an provide array of healthy choices by incorporating more food consumption but less calorie intake and also it can help with optimum weight management. For instance [Rolls. 2014] compiled three systematic studies on various individuals and this is what was conducted. The first trial involved overweight men and overweight women, they were given isocaloric portions of either high or low dense food to be eaten daily into a reduced energy diet for two months and one year later the group that was given low energy dense soup saw a 50% more reduction then the other control group. The second trial only obese women were tested and they were split into two groups. One grope was counseled to portion control and eat more water rich foods (fruits, vegetables) and the other group was asked to eat limited portions (fats and everything else). After a year the group that was told to eat more water rich foods lost 23% more weight, had a reduction in hunger and felt greater gratification. In the final trial, participants from trial one and trial two were monitored for six months. It was found that individuals who eat a low energy diet lost more than 50% of weight and eat 300grams more than the high energy diet group. From these trial it can be concluded that for weight management to occur simply saying â€Å"eat less†is not the best approach to reducing the amount of intake. Therefore large portions of low energy dense foods can be used strategically to encourage their lower consumption and caloric intake. If people lowered the density of energy in their diet, they can eat pleasurable portions while managing as well as maintaining their body weight [Rolls. 2014]. Also through these trials it can be said that a variety of portion control methods can be applied, eating less high energy meals or eating more low energy foods, for exemplary portion management leading to a lower chance of weight gain. Obesity has become a significant problem, it causes more deaths the being underweight, across many regions of multiple countries. Obesity has become such a high risk factor that even minimal weight loss of 5 to 10% seems to be enough to provide a clinically significant health benefit and reduce the risk of death, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and many other [Lagerros. 2013]. But there are limitations to weight loss i.e. physical disabilities, the quality of produce at a supermarket, cultural acceptance (being fat or over weight considered good, shows how healthy you are), neighborhood accessibility (neighborhood around the world tend not to have any sidewalks thus making it difficult for individuals of all ages to be healthy) as well as neighborhood safety (Places where criminal activity is high, People are less likely to leave their residence) and other resources. All these aspects play a tremendous role in weight reduction and or weight management. A study done by [Amanda Reichards et al. 2014] about adults with physical disabilities with a BMI of >25%. So these individuals were randomized into two weight management approaches. One of these was My plate diet (consists of a meal with fruits, vegetables, protein and dairy all in one plate) and the other was Stoplight diet (foods are based on the light consisted in traffic lights such as vegetables/fruits are green, potatoes/ cheese are yellow and fat foods are red) supplemented with portion controlled meals for 6 months. There were 126 enrollees and of those 70% of them completed initial 6 months and 60% of the 70% completed a follow up phase. The Stoplight diet group reduced weight during initial 6 month and lost more weight during the follow up phase whereas the My plate diet group only lost weight during the initial 6 months from the studies done by Amanda Reichards and her colleagues it can be stated that by using portion control, barriers can be overcome for individuals that are overweight and have physical mobility impairments. Consumers are uncovered to many pieces of data such as the media, commercials and promotions. The comparison between two merchandises that are similar in prices or completely buying a product for the first time, â€Å"58% of the consumers said that they used product labels†[Wills et al2009].Furthermore, Canadians believe that labels are the most important way to get nutritional data. â€Å"This source is then shadowed by various forms of media, friends and family, electronic media channels and lastly family physicians or other professionals â€Å"[Willset al.2009]. It is notable that family physicians/medical professionals seem to play such a minimal role in general information. In the past, significant findings have been conducted by researchers to help modern scientist. Lexis, L (2004) conducted multiple studies where 38% of the people’s portions were controlled and the others weren’t. The research shows that 5% of the 38% examined saw a weight reduction from their baseline weight whereas the other control group saw a 5% weight gain from their base line. She also did a study on Elevated waist/hip on men and women this a body mass index (BMI) greater the 27. Being overweight comes at a cost and its â€Å"$656 higher annual medical care costs, and the IV results indicate that obesity raises annual medical costs by $2741 in 2005 dollars.†[Cawley J. 2012]. â€Å"More than 2 in 3 adults are considered to be overweight or obese. More than 0.33% adults are considered to be obese. More than 0.05 adults in North America are considered to have extreme obesity. About 0.33%of children and adolescents from ages 6 to 19 are considered to be overwe ight or obese. More than 16% of children and adolescents from the ages of 6 to 19 are considered to be obese†National Health and Nutrition (2010). â€Å"Obesity can occur one pound at a time. Just like obesity so does prevention. †[National Institutes of Health. 2013] these are just some facts about obesity that can be prevented by portion control. Solutions. Are there any? With so many problem and hardly any solutions. Here are a couple of solutions that can help with implicating portion control, first would be liquid meal replacement (shakes) can be a very useful technique there were small experiments designed to makes many of the studies on the effectiveness of meal replacements were tough to interpret as few were intended to regulate whether meal replacements are closely linked with greater weight reduction than a self-selected consumption of regular foods. They also found that there is a relationship between the intakes of meal replacements in exchange of regular meals in the framework of energy controlled diets and decline in body weight. The second method would be tax increasing and front back trafficking. Increasing the tax on unhealthy food could be a substantial answer to many problems, the Danish government has put a 25% tax on unhealthy foods (sweet based) such as ice cream chocolate and many others and beverages. T hey also banned the use of Trans-fatty acid (increases coronary heart cancer) leading companies to use a different method of production and provide a better fat quality product. There is also Front of Pack traffic light nutrition labeling (this is when the nutritional label is put in the front and the product is labelled as a colour that indicated the type of product which is stated earlier in this paper). There was a randomized-controlled study was conducted to determine different food label formats on consumers’ product choices, the study established that traffic light labels had the most influential on consumers, compared to other methods. Even with time constraint consumers the traffic light labels and logos were more effective and efficient rather than the ordinary label furthermore the likelihood of healthy choices had increased moreover with unlabeled food it is more difficult to classify as whether it’s healthy or unhealthy [Borgmeier and Westenhoefer, 2009]. By making such a major impact, neighboring countries are putting an emphasis on disease deduction methods as well. The third method is Pre-portioned foods it is an alternative approach to liquid meal plan it is a pre-packaged single meal /snack which is bound to reduce weight also temporary studies have found that solid meal substitutes (bars) caused the tendency to feel more full than isocaloric liquid meal substitutes (shakes) [ Tieken et al. 2007]. In an 18-month study conducted by [Wing et al. 1996] where contributors were allocated to one of the four groups: a usual behavioral treatment was given, a behavioral treatment accompanied with financial encouragement for weight reduction, food source, or a combination of food establishment and motivations. The food that was provided to the individuals consisted of pre-portioned conventional foods suitable for five breakfasts and five suppers each week for 18 months. The quantity of weight reduction in the two groups, provided with sufficient food, was significantly superior to the other groups at 6, 12 and 18 months [Wing et al. 1996]. Also in another study, patients were given either a prepackaged, nutritionally complete, organised meal, plan that provided almost all of their diet and the other group was given a macronutrient equivalent usual-care diet. The prepackaged meal was designed to sustain long-term weight loss. This was proven at 1 year when the first group lost 5.8 kilograms while the other group only lost 1.7 kilograms loss [Metz et al. 2000]. A certain study, sought to separate the properties of the portion-controlled diets from other mechanisms of the weight reduction intervention by keeping the additional variables similar across the two study groups. The pre-portioned food group was provided with three starters and one snack daily, which they could substitute with conventional foods by the rules of their program. After 6 months, the pre-portioned food group lost 7.3kg whereas the control group only lost [Foster et al. 2013]. The take away message from these studies is that Portioned food can cause a substantial difference between casual meals in terms of weight reduction thus allowing a greater consumption of food and loss in weight. Another solution is by regulating the advertisements that are shown to adolescents. This will cause children to be less attracted to food which can lead them to gain weight. In Sweden, Norway and Quebec the government has restricted television advertisements for children. More specifically , the Swedish Radio and Television act does not grant commercial television advertisement that is intended to attract or gain the attention of children who are under the age of 12. However, most countries tend not to revise advertisements, to make sure they are meant for children. A comparison of food advertising in 13 countries in different parts of the world, found that children who were watching more than 2 hours would be exposed to between 28 and 84 food advertisements per day [Lagerros. 2013]. Weight management/reduction has been a major problem for decades now. Obesity is something that is increasingly on the rise today and will continue to rise unless we do something about it, food is being pushed on television all the time. Corrupting minds to eat calorie dense food but there is a way to fix that by informing people of how bad it really is and encouraging people to live a health-enhancing lifestyle. The solution is as simple as eating a portioned diet and making it a lifelong diet. Some fat is essential for the body. It uses it for various implications such as heat, padding, insulation, and stored energy. Eating healthy and keeping active is all a part of a lifelong daily routine No diet should be promoted as being a temporary eating plan, but rather a permanent plan for healthy eating and living. References Borgmeier I., Westenhoefer J. (2009)Impact of different food label formats on healthiness evaluation and food choice of consumers: a randomized-controlled study.BMC Public Health9: 184. Cawley, J., Meyerhoefer, C. (2012). The medical care costs of obesity: An instrumental variables approach. J Health Econ. Ello-Martin, J., H Ledikwe, J., Rolls, B. (2005). The Influence of Food Portion Size and Energy Density on Energy Intake: Implications for Weight Management. Foster GD, Wadden TA, Lagrotte CA, Vander Veur SS, Hesson LA, Homko CJ, et al.(2013) A randomized comparison of a commercially available portion-controlled weight-loss intervention with a diabetes self-management education program,Nutr Diabetes, 3:e63. Lagerros, Y., Rà ¶ssner, S. (2013). Obesity management: What brings success? Therap Adv Gastroenterol, 6(1), 77–88. Rolls, B. (2012). Dietary strategies for weight management. Nestlà © Nutrition Institute Workshop (2012), 73, 37-48. Rolls, B. (2014). What is the role of portion control in weight management? International Journal of Obesity (2005). Metz JA, Stern JS, Kris-Etherton P, Reusser ME, Morris CD, Hatton DC, et al.(2000) A randomized trial of improved weight loss with a prepared meal plan in overweight and obese patients: impact on cardiovascular risk reduction, Arch Intern Med, 160:2150–2158 National Institues of Health. (2012). Overweight and Obesity Statistics. Weight-control Information Network. Reichard, A., D. Saunders, M., R. Saunders, R., Ptomey, L. (2014). A comparison of two weight management programs for adults with mobility impairments, Disability and Health Journal. Tieken SM, Leidy HJ, Stull AJ, Mattes RD, Schuster RA, Campbell WW. (2007). Effects of solid versus liquid meal-replacement products of similar energy content on hunger, satiety, and appetite-regulating hormones in older adults,Horm Metab Res, 39:389–394 Wing RR, Jeffery RW, Burton LR, Thorson C, Nissinoff KS, Baxter JE. (1996). Food provision vs structured meal plans in the behavioral treatment of obesity.Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord.;20:56–62 Wills J., Schmidt D., Pillo-Blocka F., Cairns G. (2009)Exploring global consumer attitudes toward nutrition information on food labels.Nutr Rev67(Suppl. 1): S102–S106Frenk, D. (2012, May 1). Obesity Consequences. Retrieved October 22, 2014, from Obesity and overweight. (2014, August 1). Retrieved October 22, 2014, from Statistics Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2014, from
Friday, January 17, 2020
Outcomes of Prosthodontic Management Essay
Speech is the coordinated function of the vocal tract includes respiratory, phonatory, resonatory and articulatory systems. Hindrance to any of these systems results in speech disorders. Cleft lip and palate (CLP) is one such congenital disorder leading to speech disorder. The abnormal speech of these individuals with cleft lip and palate can be analyzed interms of acoustical, perceptual and physiological measurements. The speech of individuals with cleft palate is primarily characterized by abnormalities in nasal resonance. This is a direct result of unoperated cleft / fistula and or velopharyngeal dysfunction. The individuals with velopharyngeal dysfunction cannot either adequately or consistently close the velopharyngeal port during speech leading to nasal escape of sound energy. In addition, there may be articulatory errors, including compensatory articulations and reduced voice quality resulting in poor speech intelligibility (McWilliams, Morris & Shelton, 1990; Kuehn & Moller, 2000; Kummer, 2001; Peterson-Falzone, Hardin-Jones & Karnell, 2001; Bzoch, 2004). Nasal resonance increases and is perceived as hypernasality if the durations of the velopharyngeal opening and closing movements in relation to the opening and closing of the oral cavity become prolonged. Many investigators have showed that certain timing measures reflecting the movements of speech articulators are related to the degree of oral-nasal resonance imbalance in individuals with cleft palate with or without cleft lip (Warren et al. , 1985; Jones, 2000; Dotevall et al. 2001, 2002; Ha et al. , 2004). Jones (2000) opined that excessive perceived nasalization could result from a mistiming of velopharyngeal movements, relative to voice onset and offset. Few studies (Ha, Sim, Zhi, & Kuehn, 2003; Ha, David, & Kuehn, 2010) concluded that individuals with cleft palate exhibit longer acoustic nasalization than normal speakers and also temporal measures of their speech are positively correlated with the perceived hypernasality. Hence they concluded that acoustic measures of temporal characteristics of speech can provide supplementary diagnostic information in relation to the degree of hypernasality. Hoopes, (1970) demonstrated that speed of velar movement during speech was slower for individuals with cleft palate than normal subjects. Forner (1983) observed some difficulty with normal rate and range of movement and interarticulatory timing based on the results of significantly longer than normal speech segment durations. The rehabilitation of individuals born with cleft lip and palate and related craniofacial anomalies require coordination of plastic surgery, prosthetic intervention and behavioral therapy. A multidisciplinary approach is essential to achieve optimum results. To permit development of normal speech patterns, habilitation of these individuals should be considered surgically or prosthetically as early as possible (Riski, 1979; Dorf & Curtin, 1982; Witzel et al. , 1984). Definitive prosthodontic treatment is usually one of the final therapies instituted and it must attempt to alleviate any anatomical and functional deficiencies that may remain after the gamut of other treatment is essentially completed. The concept of using speech prosthesis was introduced as early as 1860 in treating velopharyngeal dysfunction in clients with cleft lip and palate (Mc Grath and Anderson 1991) and has since been adopted by others (Leeper et al. 1996). The use of speech bulb obturator in the treatment of hypernasality became less popular in the 19th century, but was revived in the 20th century. This was partly due to the development of techniques that permitted direct visualization of the velopharyngeal mechanism and advances in the surgical procedures. A prosthetic device palatal lift can be suggested for the persons in whom adequate tissue is present but poor control of coordination and timing of velopharyngeal (VP) movements are observed. The palatal lift aims to lift the soft palate in a posterior and superior direction through the use of acrylic additions on the back of a dental appliance. It is used to prosthetically create a normal VP closure for speech development until the surgical repair can be performed. Hence this can assist for the better velopharyngeal closure by improving the oral – nasal coupling. The velopharyngeal closure dynamics can be studied using acoustic analysis of the speech, along with the perceptual evaluation. Acoustic analysis offers the opportunity to observe the speech patterns resulting from simultaneous and sequential interactions of phonation, resonation and articulation as these occur in real time speech production. Spectrographic data have been used frequently to study cleft palate speech (Horii, 1980). McGrath and Anderson (1990) reported a review of the outcome management of 200 individuals with cleft palate and found that 95% were able to eliminate both hypernasality and nasal emission distortions in speech through prosthetic management. Jian Ningyi & Guilan (2002) investigated the effect of a temporary obturator to treat VPD and found that velopharyngeal closure can be greatly improved by using a temporary oral prosthesis and speech training. Most of these studies have used obturator or speech bulb in individuals with cleft palate, and very few studies included speech training along with the prosthetic management and shows positive results. There are dearths of studies using palatal lift in persons with submucous cleft palate along with the speech therapy. The present study is a part of the longitudinal study which is aimed to determine the effect of palatal lift prosthesis on temporal parameters of speech and correlating with the physiological findings. The aims of the study are three fold. First, is to compare the temporal parameters of nasalization and nasalence values with the normal subjects. Second, is to investigate the temporal parameters of nasalization and nasalance values without prosthesis, with prosthesis and after undergoing 10 sessions of speech therapy. Third, is to investigate the velopharyngeal closure with and without prosthesis using nasoendoscopy.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Perpetuation of a Sadistic Society Analysis of...
Prisons and Pens: The Perpetuation of A Sadistic Society On the surface, Kurt Vonneguts novel Slaughterhouse-Five and Michael Pollans The Omnivores Dilemma share little in common. The former is a novel about the Second World War, addressing themes like post-traumatic stress disorder and the senselessness of war. The latter is a non-fiction treatise on agro-business, addressing themes like public health, food security, and the morality of killing animals. A deeper probing reveals striking similarities between these disparate works. Vonnegut and Pollan both do address slaughterhouses; although Vonnegut does so as a symbol and motif rather than as an actual working part of the meat industry as Pollan does. Both Vonnegut and Pollan discuss the slaughterhouse from the perspective of ethics, showing how the imprisonment of sentient beings at any time and for any reason presents moral problems. Finally, both Vonnegut and Pollan present their arguments within the broader context of social and political corruption. Imprisonment is presented as an i nevitable product of a deeply conflicted, sadistic, and hypocritical society, in which violence serves to perpetuate political hegemony. Pollans The Omnivores Dilemma encompasses a wide range of political, social, and economic issues related to the agricultural and food production industries. The author presents food within the broader context of power structure, touching on basic sociological issues. Likewise, Kurt Vonnegut
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman...
Double-consciousness in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Double-consciousness this sense of always looking at one s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity (Dubois, 8). W.E.B. Du Bois had a perfect definition of double-consciousness. The action of viewing one s self through the eyes of others and measuring one s soul. Looking at all of the thoughts good or bad coming from others. This is present in the main character of the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie. The Absolutely True Diary is about a boy named Junior that is fourteen years old and living on the Spokane Reservation. Junior was born with too†¦show more content†¦Junior experiences the concept of double-consciousness in this scene of the book, because he looks at his image. For example, the size of his head or the size of his feet, characteristics that people on the reservation see when they look at him. Another example of double-consciousness based on on e s look is towards the middle of the book where Junior expresses a more racial feeling of double-consciousness. Junior states, They call me an apple because they think I m red on the outside and white on the inside (Alexie,131). This is an example of double-consciousness in Junior, because Junior states in another part of the book, I felt like two people inside of one body (61). These two quotes relate making this double-consciousness, because Junior has heard what people on the reservation say about him and he himself believes it. This simple sense of double-consciousness is however not the same as what Junior expresses later in the book. In the Absolutely True Diary Junior expresses great growth in his view of himself and who he is, because he sees that he is not just someone who belongs to one group, but someone of many groups. This is conveyed, because Junior states, I that, sure, I was a Spokane Indian. I belonged to that tribe. But I also belonged to the tribe of American immigrants. And to the tribe of basketball players. And to the tribe of bookworms. And the tribe of cartoonists. And the tribe of chronic masturbators. And the tribe of teenage boys.Show MoreRelatedThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian, By Sherman Alexie1391 Words  | 6 Pagesthat go along with living on an Indian reservation, this statistic may appear slightly more alarming. The effects of growing up on a reservation is a commonly overlooked topic that many don’t give a second glance. Unfortunately, there are issues that should be seen by the common person and with the knowledge of these issues, can possibly alter a person outlook on reservations in the US. In the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, the author sheds light on theRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of The Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie2068 Words  | 9 Pagesviolence, and judgements of inappropriate behavior based on the age of the reader. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is one of those books, and in the opinions of many the novel actually consists of nearly all of these reasons why most books are banned. The book is actually one, if not the most, challenged book in the United States. Sherman Alexie s 2007 novel The Absolutely True Diary of the Part-Time Indian is considered a controversial novel because of it s demeaning references to alcoholismRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1136 Words  | 5 PagesCritical analysis of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, investigates the hidden facts about Indians. Alexie displays amiability, sorrow, and reality through his primary character, Junior, to influence the reader to comprehend how much the Native Americans are suffering. In present-day society, desperate Indians that reside in these reservations endure incurable poverty that keeps on prevailing. This dim world loadedRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1277 Words  | 6 PagesEveryone is unique. All of these attributes can affect relationships. The novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, and modern sources explore how mental and physical attributes affect friendship quality. Both authors show how, often, same-race friendships form tighter bonds. In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian best friends Junior and Rowdy are both Spokane Indians who are fighting throughout the novel. They experienced their culture together and stayedRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1131 Words  | 5 PagesMufeez Amjad Ms. Habib ENG 2DG-40 December 4th, 2015 Identity Crisis in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Almost all teens experience some sort of an identity crisis. They struggle with finding a clearer sense of themselves. Arnold Spirit Jr., a 14-year-old reservation Indian, faces an identity crisis when he leaves his reservation to go to school in Reardan, a town inhibited by white people. To begin, Arnold moves between different settings, and when he does, there is a change in hisRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian `` By Sherman Alexie1001 Words  | 5 Pageswith Azerbaijan. Furthermore the poor economy and inflation destroyed numerous people hopes and future. In the novel, â€Å"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian†, by Sherman Alexie, Arnold Spirit is also known as Junior describes his life challenges of poverty living on Spokane reservation. Like Arnold, as I begin to compare him going through hardship and finding out true place in the world, I often find similarities in living in poverty with large effect of hunger and education. To begin withRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1255 Words  | 6 Pagesmanaged to make it through all of that death and change. I made a list of the people who had given me the most joy in my life.’†(Alexie 176). Throughout the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, the main character Junior Spirit is torn between the two worlds of Native Americans and White people. This denied him of finding a true identity in which humans sought after through William Glasser’s 5 Basic Needs Theory, which states that a human’s identity is affectedRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1974 Words  | 8 PagesUnited States, but we can see that this problem still exists. In the book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Arnold Spirit has been a victim of racism in his school. Arnold wants to get a better education and in order to do that, he would have to go to a white school where he would face discrimination. In the novel â€Å"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian†Sherman Alexie has given us a story of an Indian boy who exemplifies the overcoming of everyday systematic racism. He has shownRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie Essay1757 Words  | 8 Pages Sherman Alexie is an award-winning author who wrote the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. The book is a semi-autobiography of Alexie’s life and his experience growing up on an Indian Reservation, as well as a more economically well-off school, where he was the only Native American student. The book gives readers the opportunity to get an idea of what life is like living on an impoverished reservation. It depicts the struggles of young Arnold Spirit Jr., or Junior, as he isRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie852 Words  | 4 Pages A World of Beliefs In the world many people have, don’t have, or think they have hope. Hope is many different things. In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, many people have hope and many people think they don’t have hope. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is about a boy named Junior and how he finds his way in the world and how he builds his own path to find hope. He ends up going to a school outside the Reservation where he tries to find a balance The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman... The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie is about how Junior, an Indian boy, set himself up for a better future. His teacher tells him that he should leave the reservation, so Junior switches to a mostly white school called Reardan. There, he trys out for the basketball team which changes his life. The books is all about how Junior gets himself on a better path and follows his dreams. As Junior tells this story there are many maxims sprinkled in. A maxim is a principle, rule, or basic truth about life. This essay is about the three maxims that spoke to me the most and how I can relate to them. â€Å"It can happen that way. One play can determine the course of a game. One play can change your momentum forever†(p.194).†¦show more content†¦Making varsity changed his life and his view of himself. Junior following his dreams teaches the reader that even if you don’t see it in the moment, one thing can change your life and identity. I’ve had many moments that I didn’t know would change my life, but they ended up impacting me in a big way. One moment was when I applied for kindergarten at my old school. I was only three, so I had no idea how important that time would be. I ended up on the waiting list, but I got in. That school had a huge influence on me. I loved going there. I made many friends that I will have forever, and I learned so much. I had no idea that school would mean so much to me, but looking back on it, it was a huge part of my childhood. Another time was when I interviewed to get into Park. Being accepted to Park and choosing to go to this school took me on a completely different path than if I had gone somewhere else. Right now, I’m in the process of applying to high schools. I don’t know what will happen, but one moment can change everything. In the future I’m also going to have to apply to colleges. There are also other moments that changed my life. An example is when my mom signed me up for gymnastics. I didn’t know I would like it so much, but now I love it. This has had an impact on my identity and the the schools I’ve attended have too. I’m still young, so I’m going to have many times that will change my life and identity in theShow MoreRelatedThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian, By Sherman Alexie1391 Words  | 6 Pagesthat go along with living on an Indian reservation, this statistic may appear slightly more alarming. The effects of growing up on a reservation is a commonly overlooked topic that many don’t give a second glan ce. Unfortunately, there are issues that should be seen by the common person and with the knowledge of these issues, can possibly alter a person outlook on reservations in the US. In the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, the author sheds light on theRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie895 Words  | 4 PagesDouble-consciousness in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Double-consciousness this sense of always looking at one s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity (Dubois, 8). W.E.B. Du Bois had a perfect definition of double-consciousness. The action of viewing one s self through the eyes of others and measuring one s soul. Looking at all of the thoughts good or bad coming from others. This is presentRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of The Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie2068 Words  | 9 Pagesviolence, and judgements of inappropriate behavior based on the age of the reader. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is one of those books, and in the opinions of many the novel actually consists of nearly all of these reasons why most books are banned. The book is actually one, if not the most, challenged book in the United States. Sherman Alexie s 2007 novel The Absolutely True Diary of the Part-Time Indian is considered a controversial novel because of it s demeaning references to alcoholismRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1136 Words  | 5 PagesCritical analysis of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, investigates the hidden facts about Indians. Alexie displays amiability, sorrow, and reality through his primary character, Junior, to influence the reader to comprehend how much the Native Americans are suffering. In present-day society, desperate Indians that reside in these reservations endure incurable poverty that keeps on prevailing. This dim world loadedRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1277 Words  | 6 PagesEveryone is unique. All of these attributes can affect relationships. The novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, and modern sources explore how mental and physical attributes affect friendship quality. Both authors show how, often, same-race friendships form tighter bonds. In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian best friends Junior and Rowdy are both Spokane Indians who are fighting throughout the novel. They experienced their culture together and stayedRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1131 Words  | 5 PagesMufeez Amjad Ms. Habib ENG 2DG-40 December 4th, 2015 Identity Crisis in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Almost all teens experience some sort of an identity crisis. They struggle with finding a clearer sense of themselves. Arnold Spirit Jr., a 14-year-old reservation Indian, faces an identity crisis when he leaves his reservation to go to school in Reardan, a town inhibited by white people. To begin, Arnold moves between different settings, and when he does, there is a change in hisRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian `` By Sherman Alexie1001 Words  | 5 Pageswith Azerbaijan. Furthermore the poor economy and inflation destroyed numerous people hopes and future. In the novel, â€Å"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian†, by Sherman Alexie, Arnold Spirit is also known as Junior describes his life challenges of poverty living on Spokane reservation. Like Arnold, as I begin to compare him going through hardship and finding out true place in the world, I often find similarities in living in poverty with large effect of hunger and education. To begin withRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1255 Words  | 6 Pagesmanaged to make it through all of that death and change. I made a list of the people who had given me the most joy in my life.’†(Alexie 176). Throughout the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, the main character Junior Spirit is torn between the two worlds of Native Americans and White people. This denied him of finding a true identity in which humans sought after through William Glasser’s 5 Basic Needs Theory, which states that a human’s identity is affectedRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie1974 Words  | 8 PagesUnited States, but we can see that this problem still exists. In the book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Arnold Spirit has been a victim of racism in his school. Arnold wants to get a better education and in order to do that, he would have to go to a white school where he would face discrimination. In the novel â€Å"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian†Sherman Alexie has given us a story of an Indian boy who exemplifies the overcoming of everyday systematic racism. He has shownRead MoreThe Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman Alexie Essay1757 Words  | 8 Pages Sherman Alexie is an award-winning author who wrote the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. The book is a semi-autobiography of Alexie’s life and his experience growing up on an Indian Reservation, as well as a more economically well-off school, where he was the only Native American student. The book gives readers the opportunity to get an idea of what life is like living on an impoverished reservation. It depicts the struggles of young Arnold Spirit Jr., or Junior, as he is
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